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How to Use Video to Skyrocket Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

How to Use Video to Skyrocket Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

26 million.

That’s the number of eCommerce websites operational today. If you think that’s wild, just imagine the number of eCommerce websites you’d have to beat to be your potential customer’s top choice. 

And that’s just websites. The competitive landscape for social networks and other channels would be even more cut-throat than this. 

With such aggressive competition, how do you stand out, boost engagement and ultimately increase conversions? Answer - by creating attractive and strategic eCommerce marketing videos

This article will answer how to use video in marketing by sharing 30 creative ideas you can implement for your eCommerce brand. 

And for those seeking further inspiration, you can also explore 26 video examples to refine your video marketing approach. With these innovative concepts at your fingertips, you'll drive your eCommerce success to new heights.

Let’s dive in. 

1. Create a product demo

If you create one video from this list, let it be this one. Product demo videos are a powerful strategy that can significantly boost your eCommerce conversion rate and enhance your online shopping experience.

Product demo videos showcase how your product works and share key features and benefits necessary to attract your target audience. They are great for clearing any doubts your potential customers may have regarding your product, its quality, and how it functions. It’s safe to say that a carefully created product demo video can be the reason why a buyer chooses you over your competitor.

However, one thing that most video marketers get wrong is that they forcefully highlight all the features their product offers. This approach can make the video incredibly long and overwhelm viewers, especially when greater features are linked with a steep learning curve.

To maximize the impact of your video, focus on highlighting the main features that would convert a lead, just like Dyson did below. This strategy ensures that your video remains engaging and informative, guiding potential customers towards making a purchasing decision.

2. Make shoppable videos

Shoppable videos are a revolutionary tool for eCommerce brands, designed to drive eCommerce sales and provide an enhanced shopping experience. These videos incorporate interactive elements that empower buyers to make direct purchases right from within the video itself.

Maria Harutyunyan, the co-founder at Loopex Digital, reinforces the importance of this video format:

“Shoppable videos have become increasingly popular because they transform product discovery into a more interactive experience for shoppers. By integrating commerce capabilities into your video, you keep viewers interested in watching all the way through while at the same time increasing their engagement and conversion rates.” 

Book a demo Videowise

Creating shoppable videos might initially seem like a daunting task, but with a specialized video eCommerce platform like Videowise, the entire process becomes remarkably streamlined.

Take a look at the example below, where RIFRUF harnessed the power of Videowise to create compelling shoppable videos. In just six months, these videos generated an astounding $50,000+ in added revenue, showcasing the undeniable potential of on-site shoppable videos made using the Videowise platform.


3. Launch a new collection

Leveraging video commerce, introducing a new collection via videos surpasses traditional methods like social media posts, emails, or carousels. This approach offers two key advantages:

  1. You’re able to share more in a limited time. 

  2. You can show the product dynamically. 

Take Rare Beauty's 17-second video as an example. It artfully introduces its lip oil collection, displaying shades in diverse skin tones, showcasing the potential of video commerce for new launches.

4. Promote a seasonal video marketing campaign

If you run seasonal campaigns, incorporating eCommerce videos is essential to create impactful seasonal marketing videos. Embed these videos on your website or share them on your Instagram page, as such engaging content is sure to captivate the attention of your customers.

Here's how you can make your seasonal marketing videos worth the watch: 

  • Incorporate storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience. 

  • Use high-quality visuals and music to keep viewers engaged. 

  • Keep the seasonal video short and sweet to avoid any drop-offs. 

All the above tips have been applied in the below video from M&S Foods, showcasing their Easter launches.

5. Create how-to videos

As the name suggests, an on-site how-to or explainer video guides viewers through a specific process, with or without a company's product in the picture.

These videos tend to be more detailed than others. They aim to educate, inform, and then subtly incorporate on-site video promotion. We can ascertain that on-site how-to video marketing works, as 70% of marketers created them as part of their video marketing strategy in 2022. 

The video below from Charlotte Tilbury shares a step-by-step tutorial on creating a specific makeup look using the brand's makeup products. 

6. Share customer testimonial videos

Everyone knows the power of customer testimonials - they make the buying decision easier by showing reviews from happy customers. 

Customer testimonial videos take it up a notch by showing your customers in person as they discuss what they love about your brand/product. While you're free to use textual videos for this purpose, actual customer videos humanize the brand and give it more credibility. 

Make sure to choose happy customers to feature in your marketing videos. Conduct an NPS survey to identify your promoters and ask them a series of insightful questions. 

The below email from Worth eCommerce is a good source of testimonial video inspiration:

7. Promote user-generated video content

User-generated content (UGC) videos are similar to customer testimonials with one main difference - they are created by customers themselves. 

Leigh McKenzie, Owner and CEO of UnderFit, shares his experience with UGC videos: 

"We have found the most success in utilizing cheap, user-generated (UGC videos) that show relatable people genuinely enjoying our products. The best part is that they're not traditional "influencers" - they're just people with good camera, charisma, and some solid video editing." 

The authenticity of real individuals involved renders UGC videos more genuine and dependable for potential customers. Take a moment to watch the below customer video featuring Fenty Beauty.

Fendi Beauty

Finding positive UGC videos is often time-consuming if you manually search for them. With a tool like Videowise, you can quickly source positive reviews from YouTube, turn them into shoppable videos, and monetize them on your website/marketing campaigns. 

8. Give a behind-the-scenes look

For brands cherishing the creative journey as much as the end result, delving into behind-the-scenes content is a strategic move.

Such videos are not only captivating but also foster a strong customer-brand connection. Beyond this, they unveil the meticulous effort invested in product creation or event launch. This authenticity cultivates trust, thereby contributing to an amplified revenue stream through increased conversion rates.

Be certain to feature authentic video snippets and candid conversations, drawing users into the process and making them feel intricately involved.

Witness a prime example of this approach with Bloomscape, as showcased below:

9. Partner with an influencer

Influencer marketing is all the rage these days, and rightfully so, since it introduces a brand to an already engaged audience. All you need to do is select the right influencer for your niche and get to shooting. 

While brands may prefer bringing their own style and ways of doing things when creating such videos, it's important to let the influencer take on the lead. The last thing you want is to appear fake or forced - this can do more harm than good. 

In the video below, Casetify seamlessly collaborated with Bailey Sarian, endorsing her complete creative autonomy, resulting in an influencer video ad that rings true and captivates its audience.

10. Shoot a product unboxing video

People love unboxing videos. The latter is not an abstract statement, as YouTube data suggests that the time people have spent watching unboxing videos is the same as watching the 136-minute movie "Love Actually" more than 20 million times.

Here's why product unboxing videos work: 

  • They are entertaining to watch, even relaxing if ASMR is involved. 

  • They show potential customers what to expect when they buy from an eCommerce brand. 

  • They make it easy to compare one product with the other. 

If your creative spirit seeks inspiration to craft an unboxing video masterpiece, look no further than the illustrative example provided below, fueling your video marketing for eCommerce endeavors.

11. Compare how your product or service stacks up against the competition

Is your product better than your competitors? 

Well, you know the answer to that, but not your customers. To take the reign over your industry, creating product comparison videos is a sound decision. 

You can be head-to-head with a direct competitor showcasing why you're better, but that can also welcome an unfavorable response from them. Or, you may take a slight jab at the competition by highlighting why you are superior (this is the safer option). 

The below video is an oldie but a goodie: 

12. Give an insight into your brand story

Brand story videos share how your brand came into being and what's the mission you strive for. 

You may think these videos do nothing for conversions, but that is entirely untrue. The consumers of today are more conscious about where they spend their money. If a brand is consistent with their values, they will be more inclined to purchase from them. 

Here are a few tips to make your branding videos stand out: 

  • Give a brief timeline of major events. 

  • Share your brand mission in a catchy and memorable way. 

  • Use 'emotional words' in your video script to appear more authentic. 

Below is a short yet effective brand video example from Tentree:

13. Give a 360-degree view of your product

Such a marketing video shows your product from all sides and angles so your customers know what to expect. These are often displayed on relevant product pages to make the buying decision easier. 

Milo Cruz, CMO at Freelance Writing Jobs, with 6 years of experience in eCommerce marketing, shares his opinion on this type of marketing video: 

"Use 360-degree product views in your videos when marketing your eCommerce brand. These immersive visuals give customers and prospects a complete picture of your product. That means they can examine it from all angles to have a better idea of what they'll get before purchasing. These also offer a more realistic and interactive experience that increases people's chances of buying your products.

Besides enhancing user experience, 360-degree product views minimize the number of returns caused by customers' lack of clarity about the product. Through this, customers can fully explore your offers and give them confidence that the items will meet their expectations." 

The below video from Nike is a crossover between a 360-degree video and a behind-the-scenes video

14. Create blog post summary videos

If you have a website, chances are you have tons of blog posts. Don't let this knowledgeable information go to waste and instead, repurpose them in meaningful videos. 

Blog posts, often characterized by their extensive nature, might prove daunting to some, resulting in missed opportunities for engagement. Enter the transformative power of a succinct 1-2 minute blog summary video—an ingenious bridge that encapsulates your unique insights while catering to diverse consumer preferences.

You can embed these videos on top of your blog page or share them on your social networks (like Userpilot has done below). 

15. Interview an industry expert

For building credibility and trust, interviewing industry experts is the best way going forward. This way, you'll benefit from their credibility and greater reach if the experts promote your videos. 

Here's what Lyudmyla Dobrynina from Optimeal says about interviewing experts (and customers): 

"Brands can leverage video to have an industry-related discussion with experts or customers. For example, grab your camera and set out to the streets of your nearest city to ask your target audience common misconceptions about your business industry.

The people you talk with in real-life and viewers who watch the recording will learn something new, and your brand is positioned as the industry expert."

The below video from Ali Abdaal interviewing industry experts and featuring Huel is a good example to learn from:

16. Answer your frequently asked questions (FAQs)

No matter your product, customers are bound to have questions. More often than not, these queries are similar in nature. If you solely rely on your customer support team to answer them, not only will you witness your costs climbing steadily, but some customers may become dissatisfied if waiting times are long. 

A better approach is to make videos of your frequently asked questions and display them on post-purchase pages and your social channels. 

The video from Dyson provides an exquisite illustration of eCommerce video best practices in action. Notice how the video is short, to the point, and doesn't digress from the main topic. 

17. Transform a call to action into a video format

Another strong contender in our list of how to use videos in marketing is leveraging video calls to action. 

As a marketer, you must realize the importance of a contextual and action-driven CTA. However, they are easy to miss, and if the text isn't convincing, you've failed to push your leads down the sales funnel. 

Video calls to action are more persuasive, especially if it features a voice-over. The inclusion of visual imagery and positive body language might just be why your leads take action. 

HelloFresh uses a convincing CTA in its video below: 

18. Share videos on social media channels

Without social media video marketing, your video marketing strategy will be incomplete. With an average person spending nearly 2 hours and 30 minutes on social media daily, you'll greatly miss out if you don't upload engaging and strategic videos. 

Be it short TikToks or long YouTube videos, you can increase brand awareness, create a community, boost seasonal sales, and whatnot. 

The below ASMR YouTube Short of Sephora shares some skincare goodies available on their website for people to buy.

19. Announce important company updates

Merging with a similar company? Updating your mission statement? Standing up for a social cause? If it's an update worth sharing, why not use video as your preferred medium? The latter has a greater reach than traditional blog posts or press releases. 

Check out the example below from Burger King, which created a fun video for its rebranding. The retro visuals and peppy music make this video one not to miss. 

20. Shoot a meet-the-team video

Any company is only as good as its employees are. Why not highlight them? Doing so will help your company in two ways: 

  • Attracts prospective employees to join your company.

  • Helps build trust with customers and create a strong connection with them.

Ensure the video is not overly salesly but highlights your brilliant team and what they do. The below meet-the-team video from Amazon, which also gives an office tour, is a good example to be noted.

21. Share event highlights

This is a no-brainer. If you host any business event, sharing video highlights makes total sense. Attendees will be compelled to share them across their social networks, while non-attendees may be attracted to visit the event the next time you host it. 

When shooting an event recap video, remember to use footage from multiple cameras, include soundbites from attendees, and include music to add to the video appeal. 

If you're looking for an event highlight video for inspiration, the below one from the WIRED Smarter Business Conference is a good one. 

22. Repurpose your marketing content

eCommerce businesses are known to create heaps of content to make a memorable brand name and stay ahead of the competition. Webinars, ebooks, newsletters, yearly reports - basically any marketing content you produce should be repurposed into a video. 

How will this help? Marketing content is usually longer in nature, and many might not want to commit that much time. A video will help viewers decide whether a certain content piece is worth their time. This is in addition to higher reach and greater audience engagement. 

Teamganntt shares a monthly video newsletter to give timely updates to its audience.

23. Make animated storytelling videos

When people watch online videos, animated ones take a big slice of the pie. This is because animated videos are fun to watch, and when combined with storytelling, the visual appeal is at an all-time high. 

Take the example of Cadbury. We've all grown up watching their animated storytelling videos of their famous chocolate bars. Such videos are memorable, shareable, and highly engaging. If you cater to a younger audience, creating animated videos is a must! 

24. Create a branded video to increase brand awareness

With such intense competition in the eCommerce industry, companies can woo people towards them based on their strong brand identity and appeal. 

There are so many athleisure brands, but people are loyal to Nike because of its strong brand vision, contagious energy, and bold visuals - and who can forget the famous swoosh? Nike's videos include all of its powerful brand cues, which helps to reinforce its identity to the audience. 

Its 'Never Settle, Never Done' video is no less worthy of applause. 

25. Record HR explainer videos for employees

How can you forget your internal customers (aka your employees) when marketing with videos? 

Record training and onboarding video content or shoot videos related to important HR policies and processes. Doing so will ensure you and your employees are on the same page, and there are no major hiccups in the future. 

The below video from Salesforce is an excellent example that introduces new hires to the company's culture and gives an overview of what Salesforce does. 

26. Make short product videos for video ads

Video ads are effective, but creating them is not the easiest. You have to summarize your most convincing points and show impressive product footage in a rather short video. 

But which is the most effective platform for video ads? According to Dennis Moons from Store Growers, it's YouTube Shorts ads. 

He says, "One thing that's working very well is running YouTube Shorts Ads. This is a relatively new format on YouTube, so they are pushing a lot of traffic to it."

One ad that ticks all the right boxes is Glossier - check their video ad below: 

27. Create interactive videos to increase audience engagement

Creating video content that is interactive is a good option if you want to stand out. By embracing interactivity, your videos transform into immersive experiences, enabling users to engage directly with the video's elements. This personalized interaction empowers them to tailor the content to their preferences.

Consider the below example of Honda. Their interactive video enables viewers to watch one of two experiences of being a driver by pressing the 'R' button. It's undeniably an engaging feat, one that resonates with the modern audience seeking captivating and customizable content. 

Honda Civic

28. Share product teaser videos

If you're launching an exciting product, teaser videos are a must. They build anticipation and ignite one's FOMO or fear of missing out. 

The key to a great product teaser video is to find that sweet balance where you don't give away too much information but can still share what's in the pipeline. Also, one teaser video is never enough. Your goal is to keep viewers hooked on what's coming ahead. 

As an illustration of this strategy in action, consider The Baby's Brew's lively and engaging product teaser video. It encapsulates the essence of excitement, illustrating how well-executed teaser videos can effectively set the stage for forthcoming product launches that drive eCommerce sales.

29. Give an insider look into your company culture

Company culture videos, much like HR explainer videos, can help entice prospective employees to your organization. They also help build a deep connection with your audience, provided both share the same values. 

When creating such marketing videos, ensure each element is backed up by something you've previously done. This way, you can demonstrate that you're not just talking the talk but also walking the walk.

Spotify's video sharing its company's values is a good example to consider.

30. Record video email signatures

Spam is to email what Kryptonite is to Superman. One way to lower spam complaints is by being a trusted email sender that your subscribers recognize. Featuring a video email signature is one way you can appear more credible. 

Additionally, having video email signatures will humanize your eCommerce brand - making customers believe they're interacting with an actual human being instead of a fictitious entity. 

The below template from Sendspark is what we're talking about.

Unlocking the Potential of Video Marketing for Your eCommerce Triumph

As we conclude this exploration of video marketing's dynamic possibilities for eCommerce, it's clear that the captivating allure of videos forever changes the world of eCommerce. With the strategies presented here, you're equipped to seize your audience's attention, forge deeper connections, and elevate your brand's identity.

If your vision extends beyond just engaging your audience and you're determined to drive eCommerce sales, the solution lies in crafting shoppable videos. With Videowise's revolutionary shoppable video marketing feature, you can seamlessly merge entertainment and conversion, making every click a step closer to a sale.