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26 Video Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Own Store’s Campaigns

26 Video Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Own Store’s Campaigns

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not ready to launch a video marketing campaign for your eCommerce business, I’ve got your back.

I’m here to take you through the most successful and unique examples of video marketing done right.

So buckle up because I’m covering some of the best video marketing examples I’ve seen, going over why they work for the eCommerce brands that used them.

Stay inspired! 

1. Social media video marketing example

Why we like it: Social media videos are simply a must for D2C brands. This short clip works as part video explainer and part tutorial. All in a fun and engaging way that gets the point across quickly. This is an excellent example of how the brand chose to feature a full routine using its own products. Note they’ve been getting many questions in the comment section. These are normal, so stay prepared to interact with followers on your end.

2. Shoppable video example

Why we like it: While the video is simple, it shows exactly how the product is used. No copy or script is needed. After turning this video into a shoppable one, RIFRUF added an extra $50k in revenue over just 6 months. They added each product on top of the video, making it extra easy for shoppers to check out and buy the product.

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3. Storytelling video example

Why we like it: I mean, who doesn’t love a good story? I’d recommend looking over Patagonia’s core values to see how their mission and policies tie into their storytelling. While they have similar videos [including ads] that tap into people’s emotions, this one stands out as the first episode in a series presenting great personalities. This said it’s not just Patagonia’s story. It’s the story of each one of their buyers.

Tip: Interested in experimenting with storytelling? Get your customers involved every now and then. Talk to them. Film them. Tell their story. Get them involved in your video creation process.

4. Behind-the-scenes video example

Why we like it: This video from Mini Katana has over 620K views. It’s just a couple of seconds long, but it perfectly summarizes the process of making one of their products. Sometimes simplicity is all you need. And that’s because it’s exactly what your shoppers are looking for: A quick look into the behind-the-scenes. Not to mention your transparency increases people’s trust in your brand.

Fun find: Check out the comments section! Descriptions are a bit harder to find with shorts. So the Mini Katana account added a highlighted comment with links to their products.

5. Video ad example

Why we like it: This cycling wear brand puts together dedicated videos for each of its launches. This video, for instance, was used as part of a YouTube ads campaign. And it checks all boxes:

  • It showcases the entire new collection

  • It features their target market

  • It shows the products in action so people can get a realistic look at them 

  • It has a story

6. Thank you videos

Why we like it: I’m so happy to see a brand being THIS responsive. They also mixed a classic thank you video with a behind-the-scenes look at the packaging. That’s two formats in one. You’ll never go wrong with that. You can either create public videos like these or film/animate short clips to include with each purchase and send them via email.

7. Short marketing video example

Why we like it: Headphone Zone is nailing their short video strategy. They have first impressions, product presentations, and my favorite unboxing clips. While you can opt for any topic or format with shorts, unboxing videos, in this brand’s case, are perfect for showcasing just how a product looks — even if you’ve barely launched it and there’s no buyer to create these videos themselves.

8. Customer review video marketing strategy

Why we like it: While you can host reviews on YouTube, your website, or any other channel, Art Sabers opted for the social network their target market uses the most: TikTok. That’s extra points for researching their market and applying the learnings correctly. I also love how the review is both visual and copy-based, so you can quickly get an idea of how the product works, plus what its benefits are. On top of this, Art Sabers takes these videos and turns them into shoppable ones to increase their conversions.

9. Crowdfunding marketing videos

Crowdfunding marketing videos

Why we like it: The brand took its crowdfunding efforts seriously by creating a video that introduces the product and covers all of its features. In fact, they feature this very product video [as opposed to the images or GIFs] and rely on it to catch people’s eyes. The call-to-action at the end is also a winner: If you order right now, you get the boots at a fraction of the cost.

10. How-to video example

Why we like it: BlackMilk Clothing has lots of similar how-to videos showing shoppers how to style the clothes they’re selling. This is a budget-friendly alternative to complex ads that would require actors, a scenario, extensive editing and audio additions, a location, and more elements whose costs can add up. I love how they use a simple format to make sure shoppers get the chance to see multiple items.

Idea: One thing they don’t do is actually feature these videos on the product pages for these items. Just like shots they’re using from real buyers wearing their items, these clips would add more credibility and even increase the time spent on the page. Perfect for your SEO video marketing efforts.

11. Brand story video example

Why we like it: No script needed. The short clips show viewers who is behind their products and what the materials are, fully immersing them in the origins of the product. They’re just generally pretty big on promoting the causes and missions they support, as visible in their other videos. I like how this whole narrative is blended with product shots, taking you through an immersive journey from the product’s beginning to the wear stage.

12. Customer-generated video campaign example

Drunk Elephant Skincare UGC

Why we like it: Drunk Elephant likely pays some of these people to get reviews. But whether you incentivize shoppers to put together any kind of customer-generated videos or not, what matters the most is getting yourself out there. In fact, that’s just what Drunk Elephant managed to do. You search for their brand, and the first results [we’re talking hundreds of videos] are from customers or influencers in the beauty space. After all, this type of content makes your brand more credible than only finding videos posted by your own channel.

13. Product demo video example

Why we like it: If you shop at a physical Lush store, you always get to try out the products first and see them in action. When shopping online, you don’t experience this. As a solution, Lush thought of these practical short-form videos that show you just how to use the product and what results to expect. Product videos like this can always be used on your product pages as well.

14. Email video marketing example

Tracksmith email video marketing


Why we like it: Tracksmith goes beyond JUST adding yet another video to their emails. They actually put together a brief film with an Olympian athlete. Talk about mixing storytelling and influencer marketing in your video campaigns. Bonus points for using video to inspire their potential customers.

Email performance tip: Don’t embed the video in an email. This would make the email slower to load, and people might even close it before they get to see that a video is available. Instead, put together a screenshot from the video with a play button on it and just link to the actual video.

15. Facebook video marketing example

Why we like it: Wow! Check out those engagement stats: 5.4K likes, over 1K comments, and 1.6M views. GoSun used this video both organically [they have more than 100K page likes] and as Facebook video ads [to increase their reach]. I love how they chose Facebook for these ads as it’s one of the networks where their audience spends most of their time.

16. Review video marketing example

Why we like it: One single customer review won’t move the needle. This is something the Your Superfoods team was aware of, so they decided to collect multiple reviews and make a playlist out of them. Notice how everyone actually features the drinks or foods they made using their products in the video for a credibility boost. Some of the reviews even go beyond classic testimonial videos by presenting full recipes.

17. Trending video example

Why we like it: Take YouTube, for instance. There are always video formats or topics that are trending. One of them is meditation sounds. Rituals hopped on this particular trend because it resonated with their audience. Thus, they’re staying creative and delivering what their ideal customers what.

18. Event video example

Why we like it: Bet you didn’t know SHEIN hosted fashion shows. They even live-streamed it on YouTube. While it’s not a unique event in the fashion industry, few eCommerce brands do it. And that’s exactly why it worked for SHEIN.

19. Giveaway video example

Why we like it: Most brands just add a photo to let followers know a giveaway or content is happening. Opting for a video [even if it’s just a short animation or clip] adds extra value, clarity and can help you get a larger message across.

20. Guerilla video marketing example

Why we like it: I’m a big fan of promoting a brand offline, even when you only sell offline. You can get yourself billboards, open pop-up stores, or film yourself doing in-person deliveries like Then I Met You did. It’s really a win-win situation. You’re making customers happy, and you’ve got yourself a viral video.

21. Holiday-themed videos


Why we like it: I highly appreciate brands that take the time to make our holidays even better. Taza Chocolate delivered a simple tutorial for an Easter basket here. But you can be a bit extra and think of giveaways or special events. It would also be fun to stand out by creating your own holiday!

Did you know? Holidays like National Pancake Day, Small Business Saturday, or National Drive-Thru Day were all invented by brands.

22. Instagram story videos

Velasca Instagram story

Why we like it: If you’ve got the patience and budget, you can create videos all day long. With new collections, Velasca, an Italian clothes brand, uses a mix of images, reels, and stories to make sure there’s enough content for everyone. They also repurpose many of their reels into shorter clips that act as stories. This makes their work more efficient while they can still make sure they always have content in handy.

23. Teaser video marketing example

Why we like it: Even if they weren’t fully ready to sell their product yet, they still teased the future launch through a short clip. This type of teaser video builds a lot of anticipation and excitement, getting people to check in regularly with your brand, join your email list, and even purchase as soon as the product’s availability.

Tip: Embed teasers on your website! Whether launching a new product or an entire collection, add them through a video player on your homepage or product pages. This could increase your on-site conversions by as much as 21%!

24. Unique video marketing sample

Why we like it: Ketnipz was not afraid to try something new. This clothes brand started from Bean, a fictional character they created for YouTube. They could have strayed away from their initial theme by filming clothes collections, hauls, or how-tos. Instead, they chose to stick with the video format their audience already liked: short animated clips with the main character.

25. TikTok video marketing

TikTok video marketing

Why we like it: Fishwife, a tinned seafood seller, sure isn’t afraid to try out new social media platforms. I mean, we’re talking about promoting fish on TikTok! There’s a secret, though. Sure, they’ve tried different formats that don’t always bring them a lot of views. But they weren’t afraid to experiment, eventually getting more attention for creative videos like the one above. Remember: If you ever run out of ideas, just find a trend and add your contribution to it.

26. Pinterest video marketing

Pinterest video marketing

Why we like it: You might not realize Pinterest is a perfect channel for showcasing your videos, as there are actually fewer brands using video content there. At least at the moment. This means brands like OLIPOP can stand out through their videos both organically or when they opt to turn posts into ads.

So, what makes for a successful video marketing campaign?

The successful video marketing examples above all have five elements in common:

  • A clear goal like getting more sales, giveaway participants, video engagement, etc.

  • A story that resonates with the potential customers

  • A complete understanding of your target market’s needs, pains, and jobs to be done

  • A format that’s correctly adapted to both the chosen network and target market

  • A call to action or quick product reference to make it easier for people to find your product

Keep these in mind when coming up with your own video campaigns. 

If you’re missing two or more of these, you’re in for a video that’s merely going to get a couple of views. This is especially important if you’re planning on running video ads. You’re already investing a lot of money into these, so why not get things right from the beginning by covering all the steps on this checklist?

Your turn!

The most popular video campaign types when you’re just getting started include:

  • Product teasers and explainer videos

  • How-tos and tutorials

  • Customer reviews

  • Social media videos

  • Behind-the-scenes or brand story videos 

Once you have these in place, I’d recommend repurposing your content and making the most of it to boost sales. 

One way to optimize your videos is to turn them into shoppable ones as a powerful tool for sales generation. Embed these on your website or news publications, PR posts, and blog articles that mention your brand.

Get in front of more people and sell more by trying Videowise to create interactive shoppable videos that will make shoppers fall in love with your products.