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Getting Started

What is shoppable video?

A shoppable video is an interactive marketing video that allows viewers to purchase products while watching the video content. This interactive experience mimics in-store shopping without ever having to leave a social or video platform.

By making a video shoppable you allow shoppers to purchase products during a time when they are most engaged with your content.

Here's an example of shoppable videos in action: shoppable videos on immieats.com

Why use shoppable videos?

Because with the help of Shoppable Videos, you turn standard videos into interactive experiences, which increases on-site engagement and leads to viewers turning into buyers.

Video shoppers convert on average at a minimum of 2X-3X higher than any regular shoppers that don't watch video. This is because videos better help shoppers to answer any questions they might have about your products and more easily influence them into making a faster purchasing decision.

On average, brands that use shoppable videos embedded on site end up increasing their sales with 5 or 6 figure numbers due to the high conversion rate that video shoppers have.

Why is Videowise better than other similar solutions?

Videowise is the leading shoppable video solution on Shopify. Compared to other similar solutions, we're highly focused on:

  • driving more sales by engaging and converting more customers
  • on-scale shoppable video embedding
  • the most advanced video analytics in the ecosystem 
  • video marketing set of features to sell off-site
  • extended functionalities and customizability 
  • blazing fast load speed
  • superior design and UX 


Do shoppable videos affect site page speed?

No, and here's how we protect your page speed:

1. Small-sized scripts. Videowise's scripts have little over 100kb, that's almost like a Facebook pixel. In comparison, when you embed a regular YouTube video that's over 600kb of scripts.

2. Lite video embedding (Shopify Plus recommended). Videowise uses compressed thumbnails as part of the video widgets on your pages that launch the actual shoppable video player.

On the initial page load, the site only embeds the thumbnail image of the YouTube video. The video player itself (and all its extra JavaScript) only loads when the user clicks inside the thumbnail.

How do videos increase conversions?

Videos increase shopper engagement and make shoppers spend more time on your site.

Shoppers will be better informed about your products and more inclined to purchase because of the unbeatable social proof that videos offer.

Can I use videos on my homepage and other pages?

Yes, you can, and we highly advise you to do so for the best results.
Yes, you can add videos to any page of your online store and you can even add multiple types of video widgets on the same page. For example, you can have one large presentation video on the top of your homepage, a YouTube carousel in the middle with video reviews, and Instagram stories on the bottom. All of these are tracked to see how shoppers interact with your video content.

How many videos can I add to a page?

You can add as many videos as you want and as many types of video widgets as you want.

Can I upload my own videos?

Yup, you can use your own videos. Upload your videos on one of our supported video platforms or upload them directly into VideoWise to use our white-label video player. In this article, we show you how.

What types of videos can I use?

Your video selection should depend on various factors: the placement of the widget, your product, and even of your industry. You can use your own uploaded videos, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube videos on:

Product Pages

  • Add product demos and how-to videos close to the CTA
  • Add unboxing videos on the top part of your page
  • Add testimonials videos at the bottom of the page for social proof

The Homepage

  • Add presentation videos for social proof on the top part of your homepage
  • Add product videos to emphasize the main product information and benefits
  • Add promotional videos to bring to spotlight sales and special campaigns
  • Add testimonial videos for social proof

The About Us Page

Add 'about us' video aka company culture video to emphasize "likeability" and other positive emotions. These have a far greater influence on customers buying from and staying loyal to you than any other fact-based factors.

The Reviews Page

  • Add testimonial videos from your shoppers
  • Add unboxing videos
  • Add reviews and recommendation videos

The Blog

  • Massive conversion opportunity for your store
  • Add shoppable videos to each blog post to drive even more attention to your products and convert readers into shoppers

What is the best video format to use?

Supported video format: .mp4

If your video is in a different format, you will not be able to upload it on our site. In this case, we advise you to use a video converter to change it to a .mp4 file.

There are many great online tools to do it. However, if you are unsure, let us know and we will be happy to help.

What is the best video length to use?

Maximum file size: 100 Mb.

If your video is bigger than the limit you will not be able to upload it on our site. In this case, we advise you to use a video converter to compress it.

There are many great online tools to do it. However, if you are unsure, let us know and we will be happy to help.

How is checkout handled with shoppable videos?

Videowise is fully integrated with Shopify's native checkout system. You can configure the buy button behavior in multiple ways to take shoppers directly to the Checkout page, to View Cart, or to create a virtual cart within the video player. 

You can also add subscription buying options with our 3rd party app integrations.

Can I use any video that contains my products or do I need to ask for permission?

By default, all YouTube content is free to use unless stated otherwise. Regarding other video sources, you are responsible and own the rights for all data, information, content, and other materials that you upload, post, publish, share, or otherwise distribute or store in connection with Videowise.

Can I search hashtags to find my content?

Definitely. You should keep an eye on hashtags that mention your brand.

Do you offer video editing services?

We don’t offer video editing services, but we have partners who do. If you’re interested,  let us know and we will be happy to help.

Can I edit/stitch videos together on the platform?

You can’t edit/stitch videos together on the platform.

Using Videowise

What is on-site video shopping?

On-site video shopping means embedding shoppable videos on your online store.

How do I embed shoppable videos? Is it code?

No code needed, just basic copy/paste skills. Embed videos on thousands of product pages with automated product-video matching and save hundreds of hours.

Can I add videos for thousands of SKU-s?

Actually, this is the only place where you can do this. Videowise is the only video platform for e-commerce that embeds video at a massive scale while being page speed-friendly. You can add videos on a virtually unlimited number of products and pages and generate reports for each individual product and video widget.

Also, because of our YouTube partnership, we can find relevant videos that mention your brand or products, and we can do it for millions of products every month. We know, it's unheard of.

How does the YouTube video finder work?

The Video UGC (User Generated Content) Tool helps you discover everything the community has to say about your product or brand.

To get started, you should visit the Library tab, select YouTube, and then choose the Find Video UGC option at the top corner.

The application is going to ask whether you are a brand or a retailer. It is important for us to know what kind of content should we show and prioritize for you.

For Brands, we search by the product name and brand name as well. While, if your shop sells many products from different origins, it might not be important - thus, we only search by the name of the product.

Once you choose the correct category, the app will run the search for you, and you will see our video recommendations. You will then be able to select them as any other content in the app without the need to search for their URL.

Good to know: The video selection is created automatically, and the list is ordered by the rakings provided for us by YouTube. We always advise you to manually preview the videos before approving them on their site.

Can I source content from other user’s TikTok / Instagram accounts?

Not yet, but we will extend our scraping to TikTok and Instagram soon.

Can I upload Instagram reels?

Instagram's API does not allow access to Reels; however, our customer success team can help you import your Instagram reels on the Videowise platform.

Can I auto-play the shoppable video?

For users to interact with these videos, first they need to click on them, as embedded widgets will not autoplay.

Can I use a GIF as a video thumbnail?

Yup, you can generate or upload a custom GIF of your choice.

Can I change / customize the video widget size?

The size and aspect ratio of the widget can be customized under the Video Thumbnails. Regardless of the actual size of the videos assigned to the widget, this is going to determine how the widget is going to appear on your site.

This option is only available for embedded widgets.

Am I able to change the call to action on the video (instead of using ‘Add to Cart’?)

Yup. You have the option to edit the button text however you want. You can also edit the icon on the button (cart, bag, no icon).

For the buy button behaviour you have 3 options:

  • Direct to cart: Shopper goes directly to the cart page.
  • Add to cart: Shopper stays in video & can add other products to cart.
  • Direct to checkout: Shopper goes directly to the checkout page.

Am I able to source videos from Instagram and TikTok?

Yes, you are.

To import your videos from your TikTok or Instagram account, connect them to the Videowise app by entering your TikTok/ Instagram Username.

Go to Library, click on the TikTok/ Instagram icon at the top, then follow the step above to connect to your account. Once you select the videos you would like to add to your library, your videos will automatically appear shortly.

Do the videos automatically get added to the carousels or do I get to choose what content my customers see?

You always get to choose what content you want your customers to see.

What is off-site video shopping?

Off-site video shopping is sharing shoppable videos anywhere outside your website, on e-mail, SMS, social media, 3rd party websites.

How do I set up off-site shoppable videos?

With a new shoppable video campaign that allows you to share multiple videos, as many as you want. You can add videos from your Library, but only from Uploads, TikTok, and Instagram.

You can’t reshare shoppable YouTube videos for now, but we will make it happen.

Where can I share shoppable videos?

You can share shoppable videos anywhere outside your website and by that we mean on e-mail, SMS, social media, 3rd party websites.

What are best practices for using shoppable video in email?

  • Use “video” in the subject line to boost open rates, click-through rates and reduce unsubscribes
  • Have a compelling thumbnail to attract subscribers to click
  • Use relevant videos that deliver exactly what you promised
  • Keep promotional videos short, like 30-60 seconds. For longer videos, try to break them up in multiple parts.

What are the benefits of using shoppable video in SMS campaigns?

  • Enhanced Engagement: Shoppable videos are more interactive and engaging compared to traditional text-based SMS messages. They capture the recipient's attention and encourage them to explore the content.

  • Visual Appeal: Videos are inherently more visually appealing than text, making it easier to showcase products or services and provide a more immersive experience.

  • Improved Conversions: Shoppable videos allow customers to make purchases directly within the video. This streamlined shopping process can lead to higher conversion rates as it reduces friction and simplifies the buying journey.

  • Personalization: You can tailor shoppable videos to individual customers or segments based on their preferences and past behavior, creating a more personalized shopping experience.

  • Direct Sales: Shoppable videos enable customers to make purchases without leaving the video or SMS message, providing a direct path from discovery to conversion.

  • Instant Gratification: Customers can see a product they like in the video and purchase it immediately, leading to a sense of instant gratification.

  • Tracking and Analytics: Shoppable videos in SMS campaigns can be tracked, allowing you to collect data on customer interactions and conversions, helping you refine your marketing strategy.

  • Cross-Promotion: You can use shoppable videos to cross-promote related products or upsell and increase the average order value.

  • Storytelling: Videos offer an excellent platform for storytelling, helping you convey your brand's message and showcase your products or services in a compelling way.

  • Shareability: Engaging videos are more likely to be shared by recipients with their social networks, expanding your campaign's reach.

  • Competitive Advantage: Shoppable video SMS campaigns are still relatively new and less commonly used, giving your business a competitive advantage when implementing this strategy.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Shoppable videos are designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring a seamless experience on smartphones, where a significant portion of SMS recipients engage with content.


What does sharing shoppable video as a “link” mean?

It means that you can copy the link of the shoppable video and share it anywhere you want (Whatsapp, Linkedin, Slack, literally anywhere).

Why are Reports & Analytics important?

Because Reports & Analytics provide you with all the information needed to enhance your video strategy and keep track of your progress.

Video strategy is trial and error: you will probably need to change your video selection or the placement of your widgets at the beginning before finding out what works the best on your site.

Nevertheless, even if your content is performing well, we still encourage you to experiment from time to time with new strategies.

What’s the difference between influenced revenue and direct revenue?

The two kinds of revenue generated by your video content.

On the Conversion tab of the Reports section, you can find valuable and direct information about how much revenue your videos generate for your store. To make data-based decisions easier for you, we have differentiated Direct and Influenced orders.

Direct Revenue:

The total value of direct orders. When a user engages with a Shoppable Video, adds the item to the cart from that window then proceeds to checkout within the same browser session, counts as a direct order. The sum of these orders adds up to be the direct revenue of the selected period.

Influenced Revenue:

The total value of products purchased immediately after your visitors engaged with your videos. When a customer watches a video for more than five seconds, then proceeds to checkout within the same browser session, that counts as an influenced order. Below the revenue, you can track exactly how many orders and products make up this amount.

How do I know which orders came through shoppable videos?

Direct video sales will show you the value of the orders made through shoppable videos.

If someone watches a video of one product, but purchases a different product they didn’t watch a video for, will it affect the analytics / count as an influenced purchase?

No, it won’t. Influenced video sales are counting only the sales that happened after a video of one product has been watched.


How long does it take to set up my account?

Setting up your account takes less than a minute! :) Once you have installed theapp, the first time you log in we will ask you a couple of questions to make sure everything is tailored to your needs and sync your store.

You need to select a plan, and once it is done, you are good to go!

Is my information safe?

Yes! Videowise is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that we:

• Only collect the data we need
• Follow best practices for security and data storage
• Make sure we have your consent for marketing opt-ins and cookie tracking
• Keep our privacy policy up to date with regards to data usage
• Train our team on data privacy best practices
• Write client agreement documents in easy-to-understand language
... among other standard practices. You can read our Privacy Policy at videowise.com/privacy

Where can I see the prices?

You can find all our plans, prices, and everything included on our Pricing Page.

Does my subscription automatically renew?

Yes. When you sign up for a monthly subscription, you’ll automatically be charged once a month through Shopify’s billing system.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can easily cancel your subscription through your Shopify account, no strings attached, no contracts. Or you can put it on hold at any time by simply contacting Support or your Customer Success Manager.

What do you mean by no contract?

Videowise simply charges a flat rate for selling with shoppable videos. When you sign
up, we get busy ASAP getting to know your brand, putting together personalized video strategies, and preparing for your onboarding. And if you want to stop, you can cancel anytime. We’re like an employee you never have to recruit or hire, or like a freelance who will never charge you extra for walking the extra mile. No contract, no drama, no headache!

Can I add my team members to my Videowise account?

Every team member who has access to your Shopify account can access your Videowise account.

You can invite other users that don’t have access to your Shopify site to manage your Videowise account. (e.g. your Shopify agency).

Support & Others

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Thanks a million!

What support channels do you use?

  • Help Center
    Need answers fast? Head over to our online helpdesk at help.videowise.com where we’ve compiled answers to our customers’ commonly asked questions.
  • Email Us
    Need to talk to a helpful person? For specific concerns, you can email our Customer Support team at support@videowise.com
  • Chat Support
    Just head to videowise.com and click the black chat icon on the lower right-hand side of your browser to chat with our Customer Support team. You can also chat with them when logged in to app.videowise.com
  • Slack
    Enterprise clients can chat directly with their Account Manager via Slack during working hours.

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