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How to Create Successful Video Marketing Strategy in eCommerce

How to Create Successful Video Marketing Strategy in eCommerce

Strategy and creativity. 

That’s what most people will say you need to create a successful video marketing strategy.

In reality, there are a couple of actionable steps and tips you should check off your list to ensure you’re doing things right.

The ultimate goal? A well-crafted video marketing strategy will not only attract potential customers, but it will also help to tell a story that will captivate and engage them. 

Whether you want to share product tutorials, show off customer reviews, or give an inside look at your business, a video marketing strategy can transform even the smallest of eCommerce stores into a successful business.

Today, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create a video marketing strategy for your eCommerce product and more eCommerce video marketing tips for creating a video content strategy that sells!

10 steps to create a video marketing strategy for your eCommerce store

To get started, follow our tried-and-tested video marketing strategy steps.

1. Set your video marketing goals

2. Define your video target audience

3. Decide on the types of videos you want to create

4. Choose a realistic timeline for video production and video editing

5. Set a video marketing budget

6. Keep an eye on the essential elements of a successful video

7. Choose the right platform to host your video

8. Decide where to add your videos [besides social media]

9. Measure the success of your video marketing strategy

10. Distribute your video

1. Set your video marketing goals

The first step to creating a video marketing plan is to think about your goal.

Your goals will largely depend on each stage of the marketing funnel:

marketing funnel

  • At the very top of the marketing funnel, you’re looking at building awareness and getting your product in front of more people.

  • At the middle of the marketing funnel, you’re talking to people who already know they need a product like yours and are evaluating various options. This is the perfect time to establish trust and aim to get more engagement.

  • At the bottom of the marketing funnel, you’ve got to bring in all the resources you have to convince prospects to convert and choose your product among all others.

In an ideal scenario, you want to create videos to help with each of these goals. However, if you’re just getting started with video marketing or have a limited video budget, you’ll want to pick the most pressing challenge you have first.

Common goals you’ll want to consider include:

  • Selling more

  • Increasing brand awareness

  • Ranking better

  • Creating more engagement around your brand

  • Getting people to spread the word about your products

2. Define your video target audience

In the world of video marketing, one thing stands out as an absolute necessity: knowing your audience. Just like any other marketing strategy, creating compelling video content begins with understanding who you're trying to reach. This understanding is encapsulated in what's known as a "buyer persona."

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is essentially a detailed, albeit somewhat fictional, representation of the people who make up your ideal audience. These personas are crafted based on thorough research into your target market, allowing you to grasp their needs, concerns, and what motivates them. Armed with this knowledge, you can then tailor your video marketing strategy to connect with them effortlessly.

How to Find Your Video Audience

To define your video target audience, start by listing out the characteristics that define your potential customers. These can include:

  1. Age: Knowing your audience's age group is crucial for crafting content that resonates with their generational preferences.

  2. Gender: Gender plays a role in how people perceive and engage with content. Understanding this aspect can help you create videos that appeal to both men and women.

  3. Location: Geographic location can impact the interests and needs of your audience. Consider regional or cultural differences that might affect your video content.

  4. Career: Understanding the professions or industries your audience members work in can help tailor your message and tone to align with their interests.

  5. Interests: What hobbies and activities do they enjoy in their free time? Identifying common interests can lead to content ideas that captivate your audience.

You can utilize research tools such as surveys and focus groups to gather this information. Additionally, consider organizing quick interviews or monitoring discussions on social media platforms where your audience engages.

It's crucial to create buyer persona profiles for each distinct type of customer you have. By doing so, you ensure that you're not missing out on any potential audience segment. This comprehensive approach allows you to develop a video content strategy that speaks directly to each persona's unique needs and interests.

3. Decide on the types of videos you want to create

Before you turn on the camera, you need to decide what kind of videos you want to make that mostly resonate with your audience and your video goals.

Depending on the customer journey, you can start by experimenting with different types of videos and see which ones are more appealing to your audience.

We've listed below some types of videos you can create to get more engagement, leads, and conversions:

  • Explainer videos: An explainer video can be used for product launches, tutorials, and more.

  • Video testimonials: Customer testimonial videos are used to gain viewers’ trust and highlight the value of your products.

  • Live stream videos: Live-shopping videos help you tap into consumers’ impulse shopping behavior while giving a more realistic look at your products.

  • Educational videos: These come in loads of different formats, such as how-to videos or lists of tips, and are meant to inform your target audience as opposed to simply selling.

  • Brand videos: Whether we’re talking about presenting your brand’s mission or the people behind your products, you can use brand videos to showcase your principles and position your brand as a leader in the industry.

  • Video ads: A video ad is perfect for new product launches if you’re looking to get sales immediately or tap into a new market.

  • Animated videos: This is an up-and-coming category. You can consider creating an animated explainer video and mixing in real shots of your products.

Read our complete list of video marketing examples to see how each type of video can help you.

4. Choose a realistic timeline for video production and video editing

Start by analyzing what the scope of your project is:

  • What are your goals?

  • How long do you want these videos to be?

  • Will you have to contact customers or industry experts for feedback or contributions?

To establish the timeline, break down the process into manageable chunks like “pre-production,” “audio recording,” or “post-production” to mark how long each will take you. 

It's wise to include a buffer in your timeline. This extra time serves as a safety net to address unforeseen delays or challenges that may arise during production. Additionally, consider external factors that could impact your schedule, such as booking a video production agency, which might require advance scheduling.

Keep in mind that each video footage will require a few extra days for reviews and edits. This phase significantly influences the overall quality of your output, so don't rush through it. Incorporate feedback gathering into your timeline to ensure a polished final product.

To provide you with a practical example, consider the approach taken by Iulia Andrei, Video Marketing Manager at Videowise:

"Here at Videowise, we handle the entire video production process in-house, catering to various distribution platforms like YouTube, other social media channels, our website, and our platform. Due to this diversity, our projects typically span between two to four weeks, from concept to the final posting. To maintain organization and efficiency, we allocate specific days of the week to each stage of creation: research, script writing, filming, result analysis, and posting."

By following these guidelines and considering your project's unique requirements, you can develop a timeline that ensures the successful and timely completion of your video production and editing endeavors.

5. Set a video marketing budget

It's important to decide on a video budget depending on the type of video you want to create and the cost of video creation. If you have the resources to create video content yourself, you’re looking at a more cost-effective choice. 

However, when you have limited knowledge and experience in creating video content, using dedicated tools, and even resonating with your audience, it's best to turn to a video production company to make sure that you get the best possible results. 

As an added bonus, they might also have a marketing team at hand to give you some extra tips for promoting your video content.

Below is a quick breakdown of when you’ll want to consider each option for your next video marketing campaign:

costs of video marketing production

6. Keep an eye on the essential elements of a successful video

Sure, creating a successful video is no small task. 

But I’ve got a quick four-step framework to help you ensure you’re covering everything that matters for a high-quality video your audience will resonate with:

  1. 1. High-quality video production means having a good camera, lighting, and sound equipment to make people remember your video. 

  1. 2. A good script: This keeps the pacing consistent and helps ensure your viewers will stay engaged and interested. 

  1. 3. Audio: Background music and sound effects add a layer of emotion to any video, drawing in your audience.

  1. 4. Editing that’s not rushed: Cut out unnecessary parts and ensure the points you want to highlight get their fair share of attention. 

Tip: Pay extra attention to a video’s length. Short videos tend to perform better on social media or product web pages, as 59.9% of people dislike lengthy videos.

7. Choose the right platform to host your video

The biggest mistake I tend to see is eCommerce business owners jumping on the first platform they come across. This often leads to a range of problems, like your videos not loading properly, getting in front of the wrong audience, or not receiving any engagement, no matter how good a video strategy is. 

The best platform should offer you the following benefits:

  1. 1. The opportunity to place your product in front of your exact target market

  2. 2. High-speed loading

  3. 3. Extra functionalities and customization options that will let you improve the viewing experience

  4. 4. An intuitive user interface

  5. 5. The ability to monetize your videos

Next, I’m covering some of the best and most popular options for hosting your videos and when you should pick them:

  1. 1. Host it on your website

Best for: Showcasing your product

The best option if you want your brand to come off as a professional one is to host products and user-generated videos on your website. It is key to ensure they match your brand, stream fast, and adapt to your overall website design.

Videowise allows you to embed shoppable and interactive videos on your site to gain more conversions.


  1. 2. YouTube

Best for: Educational videos and raising awareness

While you don’t want to embed YouTube videos onto your product pages [This can look cheap and lose people’s trust.], a YouTube channel is the best option for creating a how-to or educational video and getting in front of a new audience.

  1. 3. Instagram

Best for: Short-form videos

The beauty of Instagram is that it's designed for users to scroll through the content quickly and easily. Short-form is still trending, so post video content on this social media channel to reach a new audience.

  1. 4. TikTok

Best for: UGC video (user-generated content)

With user-generated content, you have the opportunity to show off your brand’s personality, look reliable, and create more meaningful connections. You can also add hashtags, calls to action, or even links to your website to get people to make a purchase.

  1. 5. Facebook

Best for: Ads [if you’ve got an audience that spends most of their time on Facebook]

Facebook is not the most popular social network these days. But if your target customers are social media users, ads are definitely worth it as part of your video marketing strategy.on the 

8. Decide where to add your videos [besides social media]

But when it comes to your website, where should you add videos to reach your goals?

A big MUST is having product videos on each product page. These will help showcase your product from all angles and give people a realistic look at what the product looks and feels like.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider adding your video content to:

  • Your homepage if you’ve got a special campaign or new product launch

  • A blog post to educate your audience through how-to videos

  • Testimonials page or customer love wall to showcase user-generated content

  • A brand video on your “About Us” page

  • On a landing page for a special campaign or event

  • On category pages to get visitors familiar with the range of products you offer

9. Measure the success of your video marketing strategy

When it comes to marketing, there's no better way to see your campaigns' success than with Videowise's Video Analytics tool. This tool helps you measure how your video campaigns are performing in real-time. This way, you can instantly make adjustments to maximize your ROI.

video analytics tool

The three video metrics I recommend tracking to help you measure the performance of your videos are:


Tracking views can show you just how far a video reaches. Dig deeper and they can also highlight where people are from and even if they come back for more. This will help you tweak your future targeting settings in the future and also choose topics that people will truly be interested in.


Engagement is one of the video metrics that shows you which sections viewers are watching, how long they watch them for, if they’re repeating certain parts, and more. It also helps you identify trends and opportunities in your video content so you’ll know exactly which sections and calls-to-action get more engagement. 

Sales and other conversions

These are the ultimate goal! So you’ll want to create video content that’s highly likely to sell more. Other conversions can include getting people to subscribe to an email list, join an event, or even share your products.

Tip: Always start with video content that can easily turn into sales. For instance, with a topic like “how to build a bird feeder out of wood,” users are not necessarily looking to buy a product as they’re trying to create something from scratch or with the materials they already have. 

user's intent

For comparison, a keyword like “bird feeder camera” has a stronger purchase intent to it:

educational intent

Dig deep into each topic though to get the real intent. The “bird feeder camera” keyword, for instance, has a secondary search intent as well that’s not focused on selling anything:

Bonus: Retention metrics

Luke Jordan, a YouTube consultant, recommends that businesses focus on retention metrics as well:

"YouTube is looking at a variety of metrics to measure what makes an enjoyable watching experience, but one key area is retention. When video viewers watch your content for longer, it generally means they're getting value out of it. 

To maximize this, aim to deliver as much value as possible and cut out anything that wastes time. Moreover, don't ask for likes, comments, or subscribers. Instead, ensure your video offers the most informative, stimulating, and captivating content on the subject so you can retain viewers for however long possible.”

10. Distribute your video

Your video distribution strategy should directly help you reach your overall business goal.

Let’s take earning more as an example. 

While you’ll definitely want to display product video content on your product pages, what happens beyond your website also matters.

To reach a wider number of people who are part of your target market, you’ll want to get your videos on the channels they spend most of their time on:

  • YouTube

  • TikTok

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Pinterest 

But you shouldn’t share your videos on all of these channels.

  1. 1. Your target market likely only prefers 2-3 of them.

  2. 2. You don’t have time for social media marketing for all channels.

I recently talked to Bethany Ratliff, Founder, and CEO at Croptuck, to get her best tips for making video marketing distribution work for an eCommerce brand. Here are the secrets she shared with me:

“When it comes to selling a product like Croptuck, videos are a necessary tool to showcase the benefits of the product. Since Croptuck is used under clothes, potential customers wouldn't know what Croptuck is doing unless they see it in action. Static images simply cannot convey the benefits of the product as effectively as videos can.”

By using videos, Croptuck can also demonstrate how the product works, how it solves a problem, and how it can improve the customer's life:

“Through video, potential customers can see how easy it is to use Croptuck, how comfortable it is, and how it enhances their wardrobe. This visual demonstration can help customers better understand the value of Croptuck and make a more informed decision to purchase the product.”

To get the most out of video content, Bethany says they’ve implemented a seamless widget on their website that automatically feeds their newest TikTok videos:

“This way, even when scrolling the website, potential customers can see Croptuck in action and visualize their need for our product. We have found that this has increased the engagement and time spent on our website, leading to higher conversion rates and sales.”

In addition to their website, they also leverage social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to share their videos and reach a wider audience. By creating educational and entertaining videos, they’ve seen a significant increase in brand awareness and engagement with their target audience. Plus, they built a whole community around their brand, with customers sharing their product experiences and recommending Croptuck to their friends and family. 

5 Tips to Consider to Level Up Your Video Marketing Strategy 

Now that you’ve got your video strategy in place, it’s time to optimize it to get more conversions and increase your reach. Here are five core tips to try out:

1. Increase your conversions, engagement, and on-site time through shoppable videos

Beyond all the views and engagement an entire video can get, what matters the most is if you’re selling anything through this content. For this, you should always ensure you have the right video structure and calls to action at the end of your video campaign. 

Enter shoppable videos.

Shoppable videos have a lot of the same elements as traditional product videos. However, they include embedded links that lead viewers to the products featured in the video. This makes it super easy for them to buy right away!

You can embed shoppable video content on your website, blog, or even guest posts on other websites. Additionally, you’ll want to consider partnering with influencers who provide their audience with valuable content to add an extra trust level.

Read our complete guide on how to create a shoppable product video for more details.

2. Play with storytelling

Wouldn’t you want everyone to remember your videos?

The power of storytelling lies in its ability to bring to life and convey complex emotions simply, meaningfully, and entertainingly. 

Stories can evoke a specific reaction you want from your viewers. This makes it easier for your target audience to understand and connect with your message. Above all, you’ll be able to captivate them and build a memorable experience around your product.

But how exactly does storytelling improve your videos? Here are a few ways:

  • It gives your viewers something to relate to. When watching a video, people want to relate to the characters and what they’re experiencing.

  • It helps you create an emotional bond. Adding engaging stories and memorable characters can form an emotional bond with your audience.

  • It keeps viewers hooked. They’ll always want to know what’s next — whether that’s a story continuation, product launch, or any other special event.

Here’s an example of good storytelling in practice for a B2C brand:

Now, how do you go about adding storytelling to your videos?

Here are my go-to tips you can steal:

Create characters

Think about the best stories you know. They probably have memorable characters you can still characterize and even relate to. 

On this note, what matters the most is not just having characters but giving them a personality that is identical or similar to your target market. Remember the buyer persona profiles we built above? That’s exactly where you should pull this information from.

Introduce a challenge

If classic stories have conflicts, a good video marketing strategy should highlight your target audience’s challenges before all else. 

In fact, a common challenge I’ve seen when brands create scripts is not knowing where to start their video campaign. Introducing the challenge is always a safe bet that won’t bore your viewers.

Take viewers through a journey

Whether you’re going to be presenting a protagonist’s struggles or wins, failed trials, or success results, add the journey through real-life scenarios your target customer is likely to go through. This will help viewers connect with the character and stay invested in the story.

End it all with the magic solution

All good stories need an ending that viewers will remember. Make sure yours ties up any loose ends and leaves viewers satisfied with how things can look for them.

3. Managing video content once you scale your video marketing strategies

Having a dedicated video library ensures you’ll store all your video content in a single place that’s easily accessible. 

With Videowise, you can easily organize all your TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube videos and turn them into shoppable videos. You can also create folders and organize them however you'd like, so you, your team, and your collaborators can quickly find what they need. 

Videowise also lets you store videos securely in the cloud, so you’ll never have to worry about file loss or theft again. Plus, you get automated compression and processing for all videos.

4. Get your customers to become video creators

Have you ever wanted to involve your customers in video creation? 

Well, I can assure you it’s one of the best ways to:

  • Speed up the video planning and content creation process

  • Use real voices to tell your story

  • Gain your audience’s trust through social proof

  • Stand out and stay personal

  • Expand your reach and increase brand awareness

  • Reduce content production costs

  • Bring more diversity into your campaigns

  • Get more insights into your audience and new customers

  • Create a truly unique video

  • Build a stronger relationship with your customers

  • Help your customers shine!

With so many benefits, you might wonder why you’re not leveraging user-generated content yet.

In order to make it easier for your customers to create UGC videos, provide them with clear guidelines. You can even give them access to some of the tools you recommend for recording this video footage. 

Then, explain the type of content you’d like them to submit, including desired length, format, and video style. It’s super important that you don’t overinstruct them if you want them to create highly creative video content.

Finally, keep reminding your customers that they can create a video that’s valuable and that you appreciate them taking the time to create it. This will encourage more customers to get involved and can make them feel appreciated. If all else fails, you can always pull out some incentives like freebies or other special perks.

5. Never run out of ideas

I’m 100% sure it pays to keep putting out new video ideas regularly. The best way to do this is to have a swipe file at hand [e.g., notes, Google Docs file] where you can add any new ideas you get.

But where do you find these ideas to begin with?

Let me take you through my favorite hacks for never running out of great topics:

Keeping track of trends and competitors

The best-performing video marketing strategies tend to keep up with the constant changes within an industry. 

Ensure you’re reading relevant blogs and magazines while keeping an eye on the news so you’re always in the loop. Attending in-person events and workshops is also a good idea if you’re looking for a more hands-on experience.

You’ll also want to familiarize yourself with what competing brands are doing. While keeping up with trends and news ensures you’re staying ahead of the game, simply seeing how competitors promote their products helps you craft messaging that truly stands out. 

After all, you want to be innovating, not just following trends.

Using social media platforms to find inspiration

Social media is another great way to stay in the loop. My favorite use case, though, is getting a feel of:

  • What your target customers are talking about

  • What language your target customers are using

  • What people are saying about competing brands and products

  • What untapped opportunities can you find by simply listening to what people are saying

Some social networks are better for this than others. For instance, people leaving comments on YouTube or Twitter tend to be more detailed and vocal about their needs, likes, dislikes, and challenges. 

Instagram and TikTok content, though, mostly gets short-form appreciation when it comes to eCommerce brands. On a social media platform like this, it’s the profiles of real people [e.g. fashion influencers, chefs, fitness instructors, or doctors] that will stir up conversations in the comments section.

Topic and keyword research

If you’re starting from scratch or need extra ideas, BuzzSumo, and keyword research can also help. 

BuzzSumo is a tool that allows you to search for content ideas and even see what’s popular these days. It also lets you filter results to see what content people shared during a given timeframe.

Keyword research is also a great way to come up with ideas. Start by brainstorming topics you might want to write about, then head to a keyword research tool to see what terms people actually search for. This will give you an idea of what people are looking for, so you can tailor your content to provide the best possible solutions.

Here’s an example of what keyword research could look like for an online flower store:

keywords research

Read more about how you can optimize your search engine in our detailed SEO for a video marketing strategy guide.

Where to start?

To create a video marketing strategy, start by considering the goal of these marketing videos. This [together with getting a good understanding of who your target customers are] will dictate exactly what types of videos you need to create, what topics you should tackle, how long a video will be, and how you can distribute it.

Remember always to keep an eye on the video metrics too. You can test new trends and video styles, but I recommend focusing your efforts on what works.

Above all, optimize for higher conversions. Converting your content into shoppable videos is always a good idea, as it can increase conversions by as much as 21%.