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How Do You Make a Launch Landing Page on Shopify (Step By Step Guide)

How Do You Make a Launch Landing Page on Shopify (Step By Step Guide)

Landing pages are integral to your brand's marketing efforts. Unlike product pages, which cater to various needs, landing pages are laser-focused on guiding customers toward a single desired outcome. 

And if you're running a Shopify store, you'll inevitably launch new products from time to time, which means you'll need to design a good launch landing page. A good launch landing page can help you excite your customer base about the new product and secure more conversions, but a bad one could kill your sales entirely.

If you're wondering how to make a launch landing page on Shopify, we're here to help. In this guide, we'll show you the steps to achieve the best results for your product launches. You'll learn how to create a high-quality landing page on Shopify, and we'll also highlight some common mistakes that you should avoid.

Types of Landing Pages for Shopify Stores

Depending on your goals, your landing pages will look different. Here are the most common types of custom landing pages for Shopify stores. 

Product collections pages


As the name suggests, product collection pages showcase your goods from a particular collection, like your summer or fall collection or an exclusive, limited edition range. 

Axel Glade, which specializes in ear-cleaning devices, has an exceptional product collection page that clearly showcases their product range:

Additionally, the brand has also included a comparison table on the landing page to help customers differentiate between the different product types:

Discount pages


Discount pages use incentives or promotions to collect information from your customers, such as their names and email. You can reach out to customers later with new offers and drive repeat purchases with re-marketing campaigns by collecting their contact details.

Single-product pages


Single-product pages are the digital equivalent of both physical product displays and a store assistant. So, in addition to showcasing product pictures from different views, it's also important to include any information that your customer might ask from a store assistant. This includes different sizes, the material, available colors, etc.

This single product page for Grill Rescue's cleaning heads, for example, includes size choices, photos from different angles, and even review ratings to help buyers make an informed decision.

Coming soon pages


Coming soon pages help you generate hype and excitement about an upcoming launch date. Brands use coming soon pages for different reasons, including to promote an upcoming product or even an entire seasonal collection. 

How Shopify Stores Mess Up Landing Pages?

A great landing page can help you optimize your conversions. But a poor one could kill conversions instead.

Here are some mistakes that some Shopify stores are, unfortunately, still making. 

Slow-loading Pages


We know slow-loading pages kill conversions, but many store owners are still making this mistake. Customers won't wait around for your product pages or checkout to load. You'll lose them at key touchpoints.

A Lack of Videos & UGC


It's much easier for customers to check your products out in physical stores. If you want to provide them with the same sense of security in your online store, videos and user-generated content is crucial. Share product demos and explainer videos to help customers better understand your products, and learn how to get the most out of them. 

Reviews aren’t Prominently Displayed


Social proof isn't a competitive advantage; it's table stakes at this point. New prospects aren't inclined to trust you, but they trust what others have to say about you. If you've racked up some positive reviews, make sure they're prominently displayed to help you secure new conversions.

Not Designing for Mobile-first


Mobile commerce is taking over, and there are zero excuses for mobile-unfriendly pages in 2022. Your eCommerce store needs to be mobile-first - it's a requirement now.

Making your website friendly for mobile devices doesn't only require a responsive web design, although it's a good starting point. Beyond this, you'll also need to keep your user's experience in mind. For example, if users need to fill in forms to share their contact details, you might need to change the fields to accommodate mobile users better. 

Best Practices for High-Converting Shopify Pages

The first step to creating a great landing page is to avoid the mistakes we covered. The next step is to leverage the best practices for creating killer Shopify pages.

Here's how you can make your next launch page a big success.

Use one call to action (CTA) per page


If you give customers too many options, you won't get them to take any kind of specific action. When designing a landing page, keep one clear goal in mind for each page. And include a single call to action (CTA) on each page to achieve the desired outcome.

For example, if you're promoting a new collection, a good landing page may include a CTA for shoppers to browse the new arrivals and learn more about individual products.

Make your CTA button prominent


Don't make your customers play hide and seek with your CTA. Make sure your CTA button is displayed clearly in their line of vision to maximize conversions. 

Don't make your customers play hide and seek with your CTA. Make sure your CTA button is displayed clearly in their line of vision to maximize conversions. 

You can get a better idea of where to display your CTA button by using site heatmaps and analyzing where users click and interact with your page. Understanding how users interact with your page helps you understand their journey better and improve your CTA placement. 

Understanding how users interact with your page helps you understand their journey better and improve your CTA placement. 

Leverage UGC + videos


Tooting your own horn isn't always tasteful, which is why user-generated content is so valuable. Instead of limiting yourself to promotional brand videos, leverage and display UGC on your product pages to inspire trust from prospective customers. You can scour YouTube and social media platforms for valuable UGC to display on your website. 

And, of course, company-made videos are still valuable, especially if you're selling a feature-rich product. A good explainer video can give potential customers a rundown of your product, its function, and how it can improve their lives. 

Write an Amazing Headline


The first step towards increasing your store conversions is to get good click-throughs, and an amazing headline is key here. A good headline doesn't have to be groundbreaking or super creative - sometimes, it's best to simply use language that connects with your target audience.  

For example, a functional headline - i.e., one that directly addresses the reader's pain point - can be enough to get the click-through. 

Use High-Quality Product Photos


High-quality photos don't just make your products look better, but they also inspire more trust and confidence in your business. If you're using low-quality product photos, your web pages look untrustworthy.

If you're sourcing products from reputed brands or wholesalers, you typically won't need to take your own product photos. But if you do need to take your own product photos, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Take the picture on a clear background. 
  • Make sure the lighting is good.
  • Take clear pictures from different viewing angles. Your photo collection should provide a complete 360 view of the product.


And after taking high-quality photos, be sure to use the right file format in your store. PNG and JPEG are the most popular, and one might bode better than the other depending on the product's dimensions. In general, you'll be better off with JPEG for smaller photos. 

Include Social Proof & Reviews


Combine UGC with reviews and customer testimonials to solidify your social proof. In addition to improving your credibility, reviews and testimonials also help customers better understand your value proposition and offering. 

For example, some customers may share ways your product improves their daily lives, including scenarios that you might not have thought of. In fact, social proof has become so valuable that copywriters incorporate them into website copy and ads these days. 

Include an FAQ


Optimizing your user experience is crucial for a successful shopify marketing strategy. And one of the best ways to improve your customers' experience and increase your conversion rate is to expand your self-service options, such as by including an FAQ. 

For your FAQ, it's important to include questions that your target market is actively seeking answers for. A great way to determine these questions is to analyze existing customer support requests and to see what questions users are asking on social media platforms. 

Examples of High-Converting Shopify Landing Pages

Here are some product page examples of Shopify that have followed the best practices and successfully converted customers. 

Axel Glade


We mentioned Axel Glade's collection page earlier, but let's now vet the page thoroughly. Does it include any common mistakes? And is it following the best practices?

Well, the page loads fast enough, so that's a good sign. But how mobile-friendly is it? Here's a screencap from mobile: 

Yes, it's mobile-friendly too. You can see how the discount code pop-up is displayed clearly at the top, and the page responds to display one product in your view. 

Now, let's check off the best practices. For starters, the page has a powerful, clear headline at the top with the exclusive spring sale mentioned specifically: 

After scrolling a bit, you can see the page includes high-quality photos with some social proof. Thanks to the discount, users can also see how much they'll save on each product.

And yes, to top things off, the single page includes social proof and a clear CTA:

The only best practice missing from our checklist is an FAQ section. However, the page includes a comparison table to help you differentiate between products - so we'll give them extra brownie points for that. 



RongRong, a chic fashion art brand, has a creative, high-converting New Arrivals launch page. The products are displayed clearly with attractive, high-quality images and filters to check for availability.

The fashion brand has also subtly incorporated social proof in the form of review ratings under each product. And you can also filter the collection by price to match your budget.  

The page also includes a pop-up with the promise of a discount code, so Ronggrong can capture each customer's email address and remarket to them later:

The page doesn't follow all of the best practices we listed, but it ticks all the essentials, and it's a great example of a high-converting landing page. Since it's a 'new arrivals' page, it's only natural for the layout to be different from a traditional product page. 

But, to recap, they have:

  • High-quality images
  • Social proof prominently displayed
  • A clear CTA in the pop-up (with incentives to join)
  • A mobile-first design


Faces Canada


Headphone Zone is a global headphones brand. What’s really impressive about their home page is the categories listed near the top of the page. It’s clear what types of products they sell and makes navigation easier for potential customers.

As you continue scrolling, Headphone Zone displays different product categories with the the top-selling products in each category. They use high-quality, attractive photos with social proof (reviews and ratings). Moreover, users can navigate to individual product pages by clicking one of the respective images.

How VideoWise Improves Conversion Rates

VideoWise is an all-in-one shoppable video platform that helps Shopify stores drive more conversions and improve customer experiences.

Drive More Sales With Shoppable Videos



Leverage Shoppable videos to provide users with an immersive, interactive shopping experience and increase your conversion rate. Let customers click on featured products in your videos and directly enter your Shopify checkout process. 

Find Video UGC


VideoWise's AI hunts for mentions of your brand on YouTube so you can find UGC to strengthen your social proof. It's a quick way to discover UGC to incorporate into your dedicated landing pages. 

The Most Advanced Video Analytics


Because the best decisions are made with data, VideoWise gives you meaningful insights into your video marketing's performance and impact. You can pull up reports on engagement and even sales performance to empower data-driven decision-making.


While designs and layouts are important, a lot more goes into creating a fantastic Shopify landing page. You also need to watch out for common mistakes, such as slow page loading times or web pages that aren't mobile-first. 

Moreover, it's also crucial to follow the best practices, including social proof, UGC, one clear CTA, social proof, great photos, and an amazing headline to encourage click-throughs.  

So, how good is your Shopify landing page? And could a few tweaks make it great?

Learn how VideoWise improves your conversion rates by requesting a demo.