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16 Best Ecommerce Apps & Software to Grow Your Store in 2024

16 Best Ecommerce Apps & Software to Grow Your Store in 2024

Which eCommerce apps can help you achieve more conversions?

In this blog post, I've put together 16 powerful tools that your online business needs to achieve a high conversion rate.

But before we dive in, let's first understand...

How I prepared this list of the eCommerce apps

Every other platform claims to be the best in town but to validate this, I tested them against the below factors: 

  • Direct impact on conversions: Is the tool good to have, or does it directly affect your conversion rate? A no-code website builder may reduce the time to design eCommerce websites, but will it convince your prospects to act? 

  • Price: Is a free plan offered or, at the most, a limited-time free trial? 

  • User reviews: How do existing customers rate the functionality and experience? Is there a discrepancy between user reviews? 

  • Support provided: What kind of support is offered? Is there some support for lower-priced plans? 

The eCommerce apps that scored more than 90% on this criterion have been featured in the list below.

Top eCommerce apps essential for any online store

The tools you’ll see below are the result of an extensive hunting spree and filtration process. While there are many eCommerce apps available in the market, the ones on our list have proven to be intuitive and user-friendly. Let’s check them out:

1. Fomo - recommended for social proof marketing


Ever noticed a small notification pop-up whenever you visit an eCommerce website, stating that X just bought (insert wishlist item). They are placed there for a reason, and that is to encourage one’s fear of missing out or FOMO, which is conveniently also the name of the tool on our list. 

Fomo automates social proof, enabling you to increase trust, credibility, and, ultimately, conversions. You benefit from two main variants; 

  1. a. Live social proof: notifications about recent purchases and who made them. 

  2. b. Fomo inline: how many people bought a certain product in a specific time period. 

Fomo also integrates with more than 100 tools, so you shouldn’t be worried about changing your existing tech stack. While all these features are impressive, my favorite has to be Fomo insights. The latter uses artificial intelligence to recommend website settings that bring in maximum conversions and that, too, in real-time. 

Price: Starting from $25 per month | 14-day free trial 

G2 review: 4.3 

2. Videowise - recommended for online shoppable videos


If you’re in the eCommerce industry and not taking advantage of shoppable videos, then you’re greatly missing out. Don’t believe me? RIFRUF, an eCommerce dog accessories store, generated a 16% conversion rate (and $50,000+ in revenue) with shoppable videos made with Videowise. 

Creating shoppable videos is a breeze with Videowise. Leverage its existing predesigned video widget themes to add shoppable videos to any page on your website. Use the no-code builder to customize the video widgets considering your brand requirements. 

These online videos have a responsive design, meaning they look good on any device and screen format. They are page-speed protective, enabling the best of both worlds - engaging videos at a fast page load speed.  

Videowise also offers language accessibility, which enables you to localize the text in the video player to the language used on your online store. 

Price: Starting from $99 per month | 14-day free trial 

Trustpilot review: 4.6

3. Omnisend - recommended for email marketing


How can email marketing be used to increase conversions? Well, through sending personalized emails, triggering abandoned cart emails, sharing loyalty discounts, and more. 

Omnisend lets you benefit from the above by offering bespoke email marketing functionality. Its top features include: 

  • Customer segmentation for sending personalized emails. 

  • Drag and drop builder for designing emails without coding. 

  • Predesigned templates for creating emails quickly. 

  • AI-powered writing assistant for generating email copies. 

  • A/B testing for identifying the strategies that result in maximum opens, clicks, and conversions. 

Apart from email marketing, Omnisend offers one to create SMS and push notification campaigns, which, done tastefully, can improve engagement and conversions. 

Price: Paid plans starting from $16 per month | Free plan offered 

G2 review: 4.5 

4. Hootsuite - recommended for social media automation


How online stores market themselves has greatly evolved in recent years. These days, there is a greater emphasis on community building, and the latter can’t be done without effective social media marketing. 

A social media automation tool like Hootsuite can greatly help in engaging your community, creating a consistent social presence, and triggering targeted campaigns. All of this has a snowball effect on website conversions. 

Hootsuite can help with social media automation through its key features: 

  • Generate social post ideas and captions with OwlyWriter AI. 

  • Find out relevant hashtags to include in your social copy. 

  • Schedule social media posts in bulk. 

  • Monitor the performance of your social activity. 

  • Advertise content to relevant segments. 

One of its top features has to be the ‘best time to post.’ As self-explanatory as it seems, Hootsuite shares the optimal posting time to generate maximum likes, comments, and shares. 

Price: Starting from $99 per month | 30-day free trial 

G2 review: 4.1

5. SurveyMonkey - recommended for collecting customer feedback


SurveyMonkey is an oldie but a goodie. But how can it improve conversions for your online business? 

Well, feedback regarding your website’s usability, products offered, marketing campaign effectiveness, etc., can help you create experiences your customers will enjoy. All of this leaves customers satisfied, and they reward this satisfaction through newsletter signups, purchases, or whatever your conversion metric may be. 

What makes SurveyMonkey an intuitive tool is how easy it is to create surveys, either from scratch or through its 250-plus survey templates. 

Trigger these surveys via web links, emails, or your website - whatever is preferred by your audience. Once you collect this valuable feedback, use SurveyMonkey’s analytical features to extract insights to tailor experiences. You can then display the performance of surveys on interactive dashboards. 

Price: Paid plans starting from $25 per month | Free plan offered 

G2 review: 4.4 

6. Modash - recommended for influencer discovery 


If you haven’t jumped on the influencer marketing bandwagon, you’re greatly missing out. Social media creators have a strong power over their followers. If your favorite influencer promotes a product, you will surely check it out - if not, buy it on their recommendation. 

Modash is one tool that can optimize your influencer marketing campaigns. Here’s how: 

  • Identify top content creators on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok 

  • Authenticate influencer profiles before reaching out to them 

  • Detect influencers with fake followers 

  • Find the email contacts of the creators you want to partner with 

  • Store and analyze your influencer marketing campaigns 

Price: Starting from $120 per month | 14-day free trial

Capterra review: 4.9

7. VWO - recommended for A/B testing your eCommerce website


Remove the guesswork from conversion rate optimization through A/B testing different strategies. Don’t worry, A/B testing only appears scary. With tools like VWO, you can carry out experiments easily and smoothly. 

Test your website, mobile app, or server-side changes with VWO’s ready-to-use custom widgets. Test different forms, modals, banners, and more to determine which gives the best conversions and return on investment. 

You can test custom elements through the visual editor (for non-technical people) and code editor (for technical folks). You can also run tests based on visitor website engagement, like time spent on pages, element clicks, etc. This helps in narrowing in on key performance indicators that matter to you and your eCommerce store. 

Another impressive feature that VWO boasts is that of running multiple A/B tests simultaneously. The tool lets you allocate exclusive traffic to each experiment to keep results free from any bias. 

Apart from A/B testing, VWO offers multivariate and split URL testing. 

Price: Paid plans starting from $286 per month | Free plan offered | Free 30-day trial

G2 review: 4.3

8. OptinMonster - recommended for geo-location targeting


OptinMonster is a renowned lead generation software for eCommerce companies. One of its many conversion-driven features is geo-location targeting. The latter helps in creating personalized campaigns that have a higher probability of driving engagement and conversions. 

Using this platform, you can customize a pop-up’s image and text based on where a visitor is residing. Some advanced use cases that OptinMonster offers are: 

  • Sharing promotions and deals based on one’s climate 

  • Showing accurate shipping charges 

  • Localizing content to the target audience’s language 

  • Triggering limited-time discounts for holidays 

Some other conversion-oriented features that OptinMonster provides are onsite retargeting, website gamification, and real-time personalization, among others. 

Price: Geo-location targeting feature is available in the Growth plan, which costs $82 per month

G2 review: 4.3 

9. Vyper - recommended eCommerce software for hosting giveaways


Nothing drives engagement in the eCommerce industry more than contests and giveaways. And what does greater engagement bring? Tons of conversions, no matter your chosen metric. 

If you’re looking to host any giveaways or loyalty programs, there is no better tool than Vyper. Here’s what you can expect when using the eCommerce app: 

  • Create your campaign design from scratch 

  • Choose from 8 predesigned templates to get started quickly 

  • Display your campaign on a landing page, embed form, or widget 

  • Customize the design of contest campaigns to appear native-like 

  • Optimized for mobile devices 

Price: Paid plans starting from $149 per month | Free plan offered 

G2 review: 4.6 

10. ReferralCandy - recommended for referral marketing


There is no denying the power of positive word-of-mouth when it comes to convincing prospects to become paying customers. People rather trust the word of their friends and families instead of marketers. But not all is in vain, as marketers can use a tool like ReferralCandy to capitalize on WOM and boost conversions. 

With ReferralCandy, you can launch your referral marketing campaign in no time. It gives your customers a unique referral link that can be shared via email, social, or website widgets. Encourage people to sign up for your referral campaign by displaying an attractive pop-up on your website. 

You can automate the process by sending triggered emails to customers after they’ve made a purchase to invite them to join your referral program. You can even send custom rewards to customers who brought in successful referrals as a thank-you note. 

ReferralCandy also analyzes the performance of your campaign, so you can calculate your return on investment from the marketing tool. Track the revenue generated from referrals, the number of customers that joined your referral program, and the referred website traffic. 

For greater control and to avoid fraud, this eCommerce app lets you ban shady transactions, including self-referrals or referral codes leaked on discount websites. 

Last but not least, with ReferralCandy’s sister company InfluencerCandy, you can find popular influencers and invite them to join your referral program. 

Price: Starting from $47 per month | 30-day free trial

G2 review: 4.4 

11. TxtCart - recommended for abandoned cart recovery


Did you know that eCommerce companies lose $18 billion in sales revenue each year because of abandoned carts? 

Fortunately, with a tool like TxtCart, you can recover 33% of abandoned carts with contextual SMS marketing. Here’s what to expect: 

  • Send one-time SMS marketing campaigns to cart abandoners with a discount code 

  • Leverage predesigned templates and make your texts attractive with MMS and GIFs 

  • Target a chosen customer segment 

  • Share a custom short URL to maintain branding 

  • Track revenue generated from SMS marketing and customer opt-outs 

  • Fully compliant with GDPR and TCPA

Price: Paid plans starting from $49 per month | Free plan offered 

G2 review:

12. Google Analytics - recommended for performance tracking of your eCommerce platform

Google Analytics

How do you know your strategies are successful in bringing in sizeable conversions? By tracking the performance of your eCommerce website. For that, there is no better tool than Google Analytics

With the introduction of Google Analytics 4, you can monitor in-app events and behavior along with activity on websites. What makes Google Analytics so great is its accessibility. It is completely free to use, and there are tons of helpful articles and videos available to get started with it in no time. 

Here is an overview of its prominent features: 

  • Visitor acquisition reports for pinpointing the sources (direct/paid/organic) that bring in the most traffic 

  • Customer path analysis for identifying drop-offs and happy paths 

  • Segment analysis for granular customer insights 

  • Conversion tracking and analysis  

  • KPI monitoring, including impressions, clicks, average time on page, etc. 

  • Custom reports and dashboards for visualizing data 

There is one feature that deserves a separate paragraph, and that is GA’s predictive capabilities functionality. Google’s machine learning models help analyze and forecast future actions that customers can take, like purchasing from your eCommerce store. You can then target relevant audience segments to drive engagement and conversions. 

Price: Free to use 

G2 review: 4.5 

13. Hello Bar - recommended for showing contextual pop-ups

Hello Bar

Hello Bar is a lead generation tool that can be used to capture leads, encourage engagement, and increase conversions. While there are many similar tools available in the market, what sets Hello Bar apart is the level of freedom and customization offered. 

There are 5 different types of pop-ups you can design, including bars, modals, alerts, sliders, and page takeovers. Which pop-up type you select will depend on your message and how urgent it is. 

You can use its 100+ premade templates to get started with contextual pop-ups in no time. If you want greater control over the design process, you can use the visual editor to alter the color, size, layout, and more. 

If designing is not your cup of tea, Hello Bar has a fantastic feature in store for you. Its Design Assistant automatically captures your website’s design, font, and color palette and generates pop-ups that appear native-like. 

Once you’ve created the pop-ups, you can trigger them based on visitor location, ad campaigns currently operational, and specific dates and times. 

You can monitor the performance of pop-ups with Hello Bar to see if you’re on track or need any tweaks in strategy. For the latter, you can use the tool’s A/B testing feature to create better-performing campaigns. 

Price: Paid plans starting from $29 per month | 14-day free trial | Free plan offered

G2 review: 3.5 

14. Zendesk - recommended customer support platform


Customer support has a greater impact on conversions than you may realize. More often than not, prospects are ready to perform the action you desire but witness a roadblock. This can be questions regarding your exchange policy or product specifications. In such scenarios, customer support ends all ambiguities and encourages prospects to go all the way. 

We can’t talk about customer support without mentioning Zendesk, as it has become the go-to tool.  

When using Zendesk, you benefit from the below features; 

  • Live customer chatbot with automation and AI functionality 

  • On-demand support through a help center 

  • Ticketing system creation and management 

  • Comprehensive workspace for customer support agents 

  • Cloud-based voice solution for calls with customers 

  • Real-time data performance tracking and customizable dashboards 

Price: Starting from $49 per month | 14-day free trial 

G2 review: 4.3 

15. Optimizely - recommended for personalizing the customer experience


When looking to increase conversions, the obvious approach is tailoring the experiences for different customers. However, that is usually easy said than done. Personalization requires handling lots of data and creating logic flows. 

Creating personalized experiences isn’t as intimidating now with a tool like Optimizely. The tool uses natural language processing and human effort to personalize messaging, offers, and experiences in general. 

Personalization starts with identifying the right customer segments, and Optimizely can do that for you. Just give it a few keywords, and Optimizely will find your audience. 

It will then send them content relevant to their interests using its pre-built algorithms. Audience preferences are updated in real-time, so all personalization efforts are automatically adapted to changing interests. 

With Optimizely, you also benefit from experimentation features. Combine personalization and experimentation to create strategies that have a positive impact on your conversion rate. 

Price: Pricing available on request 

G2 review: 4.2 

16. Hotjar - recommended for tracking customer behavior


How can you look at improving conversions on your eCommerce store when you’re unaware of what fuels your prospects to act? More important than knowing how your visitors behave is why they behave. This is where Hotjar helps. 

With Hotjar, you can understand what visitors do on your eCommerce website through heat maps and session recordings. Which buttons do they click the most, what path do they take, which videos do they engage the most with, and more. 

If that doesn’t give you enough qualitative insights, you can use Hotjar to conduct one-on-one interviews with visitors. Take this a step further by interviewing paying customers and understanding why they purchased. You can also interview dropped-off prospects to know why they didn’t buy from your company. 

What about quantitative customer behavior insights? Hotjar has features for that as well. Use the tool to trigger in-app surveys or place a widget for passive customer feedback. 

Collecting and analyzing these valuable user insights will help you make data-driven decisions about which marketing strategies will boost conversions. 

Price: Paid plans starting from $48 per month | Free plan offered 

G2 review: 4.3

Which eCommerce tools should you invest in?

Noted down any favorites yet? 

Well, the truth is that all the above-mentioned eCommerce apps host powerful features to increase your online store’s engagement and conversions. The tools you end up eventually choosing will depend on multiple factors, including your budget, feature requirements, level of onboarding offered, and whatnot.  

Make a list of all the things important to you and use that as a compass to point towards the right eCommerce platform. 

If you’re interested in creating eCommerce shoppable videos easily and quickly, Videowise is what you need. Book a demo to see it live.