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eCommerce 101: How to Maximize Conversions on Your Store and What Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

eCommerce 101: How to Maximize Conversions on Your Store and What Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

Looking for all things eCommerce?

Wondering how to maximize your online store’s conversions?

Want to be on top of the latest eCommerce trends?

Read this detailed eCommerce 101 guide to dive deep into the realm of eCommerce with me.

What Is eCommerce?

eCommerce is defined as the process of buying and selling products online. It occurs whenever commercial transactions are carried out on the internet or via electronic means.

An increasing number of small and large businesses have adopted this model to reach a wider audience, as global eCommerce sales have been predicted to reach $7.5 trillion in 2025.

Online sales in trillions

What are the Different Types of eCommerce Businesses?

  • Enterprise

  • Mid-Market Businesses

  • Small Businesses

  • Startups

Let’s touch down on each of these eCommerce business types one by one.


eCommerce enterprises are large businesses with around $1 billion annual revenue and up to 1,000 employees. They operate in various industries, such as manufacturing, technology, and finance, and offer different products and services for purchase.

Here are two key facts about them:

  • Many Enterprises are privately owned and operated, but some are publicly traded on the stock exchange market.

  • Enterprises are typically formed to be for-profit, but they can also be non-profit organizations.

Mid-Market Businesses

eCommerce businesses in this category fall between small businesses and large corporations in size and revenue (with annual revenues between $10 million and $1 billion and employing between 100-1,000 employees).

They have more complex operations, greater financial resources, and a more extensive customer base than smaller businesses in the same circle. Mid-market companies are often stable and have more diversified revenue streams, which helps them to be resilient during economic downturns.

Here are a few facts about them:

  • Investors consider them valuable, or a “sweet spot,” because they have a proven record of revenue growth and can grow rapidly.

  • Mid-market businesses are typically privately held and may be owned by families, equity firms, or other investors.

  • They are more established and have more resources than small businesses but are still considered less mature than large publicly-traded companies.

Small Businesses

These eCommerce organizations have about 100-1500 employees and generate between 1- 40 million annual revenue. They make less than their enterprise or mid-market counterparts but are more agile and flexible in responding to market changes. Their relationship with customers is very close - enabling them to provide more personalized services.

eCommerce businesses in this category are independently owned and operated companies with a relatively modest level of revenue. Some small businesses include retail stores, restaurants, service providers (such as legal or accounting firms), and online businesses.

Here are four essential facts about small businesses:

  • According to data from the Small Business Administration (SBA) in the US, small businesses account for more than 99% of all firms and employ over half of all private sector employees.

The total number of small businesses in the US

  • Many small businesses are owner-operated with a small number of employees, making it difficult for the owner to take time off to handle unexpected interruptions.

  • Many small businesses fail within the first few years of operation. This is attributed to a lack of experience, insufficient capital, and intense competition.

  • Changes in government policies, regulations, and taxes affect small business owners the most.


eCommerce companies in this category are businesses in their early stage of development, with a single idea backed by a couple of venture capital companies/investors. They often have less than 100 employees and are no longer considered startups when they make online sales worth $500 million.

They are founded by entrepreneurs who have an idea for a new product and want to build a company around it. High levels of risk and uncertainty often characterize startups.

Some key facts about them are:

  • Founders are often young and inexperienced in the business field.

  • They usually search for funding (venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding) to sustain the business until it becomes profitable.

  • They have the potential for rapid growth.

  • The organizational structure is relatively flat, with a small number of employees.

Their main goal is multiplying, reaching a large market, and creating value for customers and shareholders.

Types Of eCommerce Business Models

  • Business-To-Administration

  • Business-To-Business

  • Business-To-Consumer

  • Consumer-To-Administration

  • Consumer-To-Business

  • Consumer-To-Consumer

  • Direct To Consumer

Business-To-Administration (B2A)

Business administration involves transactions between businesses and administration institutions. An example is a business providing management software for the government.

Business-To-Business (B2B)

B2B involves the exchange of products and services between businesses. An example is a SaaS company selling advertising software to a marketing company.

Business-To-Consumer (B2C)

B2C is the most popular business model. It involves a business selling its products or services to a consumer. An example of a B2C transaction is a lady buying a bag from a retail store.

Consumer-To-Administration (C2A)

This involves consumers selling products/services to administrations. It is pretty similar to B2A. An example is a student paying his tuition online.

Consumer-To-Business (C2B)

C2B involves consumers offering certain products and services for a fee. An example of a C2B transaction is a web designer building an online store for a DTC brand.

Consumer-To-Consumer (C2C)

C2C is the selling of products/services by consumers to consumers. An example is someone selling his laptop to another person on an online marketplace like Amazon.

Direct To Consumer (DTC)

DTC is an eCommerce model that involves businesses selling their products or services to customers without using third-party sellers or retail stores/distributors. An example is a skincare brand selling and fulfilling orders placed by customers.

Why Is eCommerce Important Today?

Electronic commerce is important presently because consumers love the comfort of purchasing online from the comfort of their homes. It offers many options with a ton of flexibility, which we will look at more in-depth later. Let’s look at how it’s changed the way we purchase online.

How Has eCommerce Shaped The Way We Buy Online?

eCommerce has undergone significant changes since its inception in the 1990s. The early days characterized a limited selection of products and a clunky buying process. Online shoppers were required to fill out long forms with their personal and payment information, a time-consuming and error-prone process.

In the 2010s, the rise of smartphones and mobile devices led to the adoption of mobile commerce, or “m-commerce.” With more and more people using their phones to access the internet, businesses optimized their websites for mobile viewing. They developed mobile apps, enabling consumers to shop online on the go. These led to increased impulse buying and a shift towards more minor, frequent purchases.

eCommerce has seen a lot of changes in recent years - probably more than any other period in my 20+ years of running eCommerce stores. With more and more people staying at home, there has been a massive spike in online shopping. People increasingly use their smartphones to make purchases, and businesses are shifting their sales online to meet this demand.

We are also seeing a lot more personalization with the use of AI and machine learning in eCommerce. This is a trend that will continue for the next few years as marketers find ways of using AI to improve their businesses. - Matt Janaway (CEO at Marketing Labs)

eCommerce Trends To Watch Out For In 2024

Here are the top picks of eCommerce trends you should watch out for:

  • Shoppable Video Marketing

  • Omnichannel Shopping

  • Mobile Shopping

  • Data Protection & Security

  • More Payment Options

  • Fulfillment Flexibility

  • Sustainability & the Environment

  • Subscription Commerce

Shoppable Video Marketing

Shoppable video marketing showcases a product on a brand’s online store in an engaging way, allowing viewers to purchase directly from the video.

One significant advantage of shoppable video marketing is that it allows customers to make purchases without interrupting the video viewing experience. It also helps brands track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns by seeing which products are being clicked on and bought.

The rise of shoppable product videos provides a unique user experience that better communicates the product’s value proposition, keeps shoppers engaged, and influences them to purchase through a CTA in the same product video window. This is why many eCommerce brands and retailers are taking advantage of this new trend. - Vitaliy Verbitskiy (Product Marketer at Videowise)

Videowise is an eCommerce video platform that allows you to combine the power of video marketing with the convenience of online shopping through its eCommerce video player. The player enables your brand to deliver interactive video experiences that drive sales and increase engagement while providing a seamless buying experience for your customers.

Some of Videowise’s exciting features include:

ON-SITE Shoppable Videos

On-site shoppable videos can easily be embedded on your website - usually on a product page or a landing page - allowing customers to purchase products directly from the interactive video. These videos can complement other product information, such as images, descriptions, and reviews.

Here’s an example of an on-site shoppable video:

Use the Videowise eCommerce video player to engage shoppers on-site

Videowise allows you to create interactive on-site shoppable videos in various formats, such as carousels, grids, singles, and popups. The videos provide a more detailed look at your product, demonstrate how it works, and give customers a sense of your brand’s aesthetic.

An additional benefit is that it increases conversions by making it easy for customers to purchase products they see in the video. It also helps to reduce bounce rates engaging customers by 4x.

I want shoppable videos on my site.

Video Analytics

Video analytics collects, analyzes, and interprets interactive video data to gain insights and understand viewer behavior. Using the Videowise video analytics solution, you can track the performance of all your videos and gain deep insights into how shoppers engage with them.

Increase on-site engagements and conversions with Videowise

This data can be used to understand viewer preferences, improve video performance, and optimize conversions. It can also be used to adjust the creation of future videos, target your audience better, and measure the ROI of video marketing efforts.

I want the Video Analytics Solution.

Find Video UGC

User-generated content (UGC) is any content created by users of a product or service. In the context of the video, it refers to videos created and shared by users of your products rather than created by your company.

You can use Videowise to find Video UGC, such as product reviews and unboxing videos on sites like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, and import them directly to your site. Or you can organize them from your company page on those platforms and make them shoppable.

Video management

One vital benefit of video UGC is that it builds trust and credibility with potential customers. Seeing real people using and enjoying your products can more effectively convince shoppers to buy them than a polished advertisement by your company. Users who share videos effectively endorse your brand to their followers and friends.

Pro Tip: Run contests or promotions to encourage customers to create and share videos of your products.

Note: Videowise can import videos from Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to your site. Try it today!

It’s also important to note that, to use user-generated content, you should ask for permission from the creators before sharing or embedding the videos on your site.

I want to find Video UGC.

Omnichannel Shopping

Omnichannel shopping experiences are becoming popular because they allow customers to seamlessly transact online and in-store across different channels and still have a consistent experience. This includes viewing inventory, purchasing items online and then picking them up in-store.

According to Digizuite, businesses with strong omnichannel customer engagement retain 89% of their customers compared to 33% for companies with weak omnichannel engagement.

Vitaliy had this to say about how Videowise shapes omnichannel experiences for businesses:

Our team of experts has helped eCommerce businesses increase their conversions by up to 21% and 10% uplift in RPS (Revenue per session) using shoppable and interactive video experiences. Creating an immersive shopping experience allows eCommerce shoppers to interact more naturally and personally with the products.

Our mission is to help brands and retailers achieve their omnichannel shopping potential, and our vision is to be the go-to choice for online retailers looking to increase their sales and engagement.

With Videowise, retailers can better track customer behavior and preferences across channels by personalizing offers to increase engagement and improve the shopping experience.

Mobile Shopping

The adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices has made it easier for consumers to browse and purchase items.

4 out of 5 Americans use their mobile devices to shop online, with 70% of mobile searches leading to a sale or action within the first hour.

Most retailers now use mobile-specific features such as push notifications, SMS marketing, and location-based offers to target customers and drive sales.

Data Protection and Security

Data security is also top of mind because it helps to protect sensitive and confidential information from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. This includes personal information, financial data, and other types of sensitive information that, when compromised, could lead to severe losses, reputational damage, and even legal consequences.

68% of business leaders feel their cybersecurity risks are increasing, and data breaches exposed an astonishing 22 billion records in 2021.

Data security and protection are more important than ever for maintaining the privacy and trust of customers and online shoppers.

More Payment Options

eCommerce businesses that provide more payment options at checkout will continue to increase sales as they make purchasing as convenient as possible for their customers. In 2021, mobile phones and digital wallets accounted for almost half of all global eCommerce transactions. This number is expected to increase by 53% by the year 2025. By offering various payment options, businesses can attract a wider range of customers and increase the likelihood that a sale will be completed.

It also reduces the risk of abandoned shopping carts due to customers not having their preferred payment method available. Some examples of payment options that businesses may offer include credit and debit cards, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Fulfillment Flexibility

By offering multiple fulfillment options, businesses can provide customers with a range of choices for how and when they receive their orders.

Since 69% of online shoppers are less likely to buy from a brand that delivers a product just two days late, you’ll have to be on top of your game to fulfill orders on time.

For example, offering multiple fulfillment options and early deliveries reduces the unwillingness of shoppers to buy. Businesses can also benefit from leveraging different delivery providers to meet customer needs and potentially lower shipping costs.

Sustainability & The Environment

For various reasons, more customers are beginning to care about sustainability and their environment. One such reason is the increasing awareness about the impact of human activities on the environment. With 81% of shoppers being moderately concerned about their environment, sustainability is now a crucial topic.

The rise of social media and the internet has made it easier for people to access information about the impact of consumer choices on the environment. People are beginning to understand that the environmental problems we face are not limited to one country or region; instead, they are global and require global action.

The younger generation, for instance, is more conscious of the environment. GenZ is most likely to buy from companies that align with their values and do their part to help the environment.

Subscription Commerce

Most eCommerce businesses are driving customer retention by creating a predictable revenue stream and strengthening the relationship between the company and the customer through subscription commerce. It creates a  predictable revenue stream, which in turn helps them to better plan for the future and make more informed business decisions.

Businesses can use subscriber data to personalize their communication and offers, which in turn helps to increase customer engagement. Additionally, subscriber data helps companies better understand customers’ needs and preferences to improve their products and services.

Subscription models also increase customer retention by offering exclusive benefits like early access to new products, special promotions, or personalized services. These benefits make customers feel valued and appreciated, which can increase their loyalty to the brand.

How To Increase Conversions On Your eCommerce Store

Want to multiply conversions on your store? Follow these steps:

  • Add Shoppable Videos to Your Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Add Shoppable Videos To Your SMS/WhatsApp Messages

  • Upsell With QR Codes On Packaging

Add Shoppable Videos To Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Share shoppable videos anywhere

Adding videos to your email marketing campaigns has several advantages:

Increased Engagement

Videos capture viewers’ attention and keep them engaged longer than text or images.

Increased Click-Through Rates

Videos can increase the click-through rate of an email, as viewers may be more likely to click on an email with a video link.

Improved Conversion Rates

Videos increase conversion rates by providing a more in-depth and engaging explanation of your product/service.

Increased Brand Awareness

Videos increase brand awareness by visually representing your company and its product(s).

Increased Sharing

Videos are shared more than text or images alone. This helps to increase brand visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Ensure you follow the best practices for email marketing by ensuring your videos are engaging, informative, and relevant to your audience and that they are hosted on a platform that allows for email-based playback.

Guess what? Videowise allows you to include shoppable videos in your emails.

Add Shoppable Videos To Your SMS/WhatsApp Messages

The advantages of adding shoppable videos to SMS and WhatsApp messages include the following:

Increased Engagement

Videos are more engaging than text or images.

Better Product Showcase

Videos showcase products more dynamically and interactively, allowing customers to see the products in use and better understand their features and benefits.


SMS messages can be accessed on mobile devices.


SMS and WhatsApp messaging can be personalized to individual customers.

Increased ROI

Shoppable videos help to drive sales, leading to an increase in return on investment (ROI) for your business.

Increased Brand Awareness and Loyalty:

By providing customers with a unique and engaging shopping experience, shoppable videos can help to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Use Videowise to create interactive experiences with shoppable videos in your SMS/WhatsApp messages.

Upsell With QR Codes On Packaging

QR code

eCommerce brands can use QR codes on packaging to upsell in a few ways:


QR codes can link customers to complementary products. For example, a QR code on a package of cookies could link to a page with other types of baked goods or sweet treats.


QR codes can link customers to premium versions of their purchased products. For example, a QR code on a basic camera could link to a page with more advanced models.

Loyalty Rewards

QR codes can track purchases and offer loyalty rewards, such as discounts - to customers who have bought from your brand multiple times.

Product Reviews And Rating

QR codes can link customers to product reviews and ratings from other customers, encouraging them to make additional purchases.

Exclusive Offers

QR codes can offer exclusive deals, such as limited-time offers for customers who scan the code.


QR codes can be used to sign up customers for product subscriptions, such as a monthly delivery of snacks or other consumable goods.

Use Videowise to link QR codes on your packaging to a Fullscreen shoppable playlist to generate more sales. Also, ensure that you offer a fallback option, such as a short URL for customers without QR code scanning capabilities.

What Are The Advantages Of eCommerce? 

Following are a few advantages of eCommerce:

  • Convenience

  • Personalization

  • Attract New Customers

  • Offer a Variety of Products & Services

  • No Location Barrier

  • Ease of Marketing & Advertising

  • Cheaper to Run & Manage


eCommerce is convenient for customers in some ways:

24/7 Availability

Stores are open 24/7, which allows customers to shop at any time, from anywhere.

Easy Product Comparison

eCommerce platforms allow customers to compare products based on price, features, and reviews, which can help them make a more informed purchasing decision.

Delivery Convenience

eCommerce allows customers to have items delivered directly to their homes or offices, eliminating the need to go to a physical store. Some eCommerce businesses, for example, offer same-day or next-day delivery options.

Easy Returns

Most eCommerce businesses have easy return policies, making it convenient for customers to return unsatisfied items.


Most eCommerce platforms are mobile-friendly, enabling customers to shop on the go using their smartphones and tablets.

These factors highlight it as a convenient option for customers who want to shop quickly and easily.


eCommerce allows personalization through several methods, such as:

Personalized Product Recommendations:

eCommerce platforms can use data such as browsing history, purchase history, and customer demographics to make unique product recommendations to customers.

Personalized Website Experience

eCommerce platforms can use data such as browsing history and purchase history to personalize the website experience for each customer, like displaying recently viewed products or products similar to previous purchases.

Personalized Search Results

As an eCommerce business, you can use customer data to personalize search results so that customers are more likely to find the products they’re looking for.

Personalized Pricing

You can also use customer data to personalize pricing, offering different prices to different customers based on their purchases and browsing history.

Personalized Customer Service

eCommerce platforms can use customer data to personalize service interactions, such as providing specific assistance to customers in a particular category, such as those who frequently purchase specific products.

Personalization helps eCommerce platforms provide customers with a more relevant and engaging shopping experience, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Attract New Customers

eCommerce provides businesses with the opportunity to access new customers through several channels, such as:

Online Marketplaces

You can sell products on online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. They have a large customer base and can offer your business more exposure.

Social Media

With eCommerce, you can easily use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to showcase your products and reach new customers through targeted/influencer marketing.


You can use search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) techniques to improve search engine rankings for your eCommerce store, making it easier for customers to find their products online.

International Expansion

eCommerce allows you to expand your market beyond your physical location to reach customers from different countries.

Offer A Variety Of Products & Services

eCommerce allows a wide variety of your products and services to be sold online, making it easier for consumers to access a diverse selection of items and the best deals from the comfort of their homes - which goes hand in hand with personalization.

It also offers a variety of shipping options, payment methods, and customer service options, providing consumers with a convenient and personalized shopping experience.

Additionally, eCommerce stores/websites feature advanced search and filtering tools, which can help shoppers narrow their options and find precisely what they are looking for. In summary, it offers a much more comprehensive range of products and services than traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores, giving shoppers more choice and flexibility in their shopping experience.

No Location Barrier

eCommerce has broken the location barrier by allowing businesses and their consumers to transact online, regardless of physical location. Consumers can now purchase products and services from retailers and suppliers worldwide, and businesses can sell to customers in different countries and regions.

Platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, and Etsy have enabled small businesses to reach a global market and for consumers to access products that would not be available in their local area.

eCommerce has enabled businesses to expand their reach, target new markets, and increase sales.

Ease of Marketing & Advertising

Due to a wide range of digital tools and platforms, eCommerce has made advertising and marketing more accessible for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. Some ways in which eCommerce has made advertising and marketing easier include:

Targeted advertising

Platforms like Google and Facebook allow businesses to target specific demographics for businesses to reach the right audience with their advertising.


eCommerce platforms can automate many aspects of marketing, such as email campaigns and social media posts, which saves time and resources.

eCommerce has made advertising easier by providing businesses with various platforms to reach their target audience and the right data to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Cheaper To Run And Manage

eCommerce can be cheaper to run for many reasons. First, it eliminates the need for a physical storefront and associated costs such as rent, utilities, and maintenance. Second, it allows for automating specific processes, such as inventory management and order fulfillment.

It also leads to cost savings on staffing, as fewer employees are needed to manage an online store than a brick-and-mortar store.

What are the Disadvantages of eCommerce?

Following are a few disadvantages of running an eCommerce business:

  • Security Issues

  • Limited Physical Interaction

  • Shipping & Delivery Issues 

  • Incredibly High Competition

  • Heavy Reliance on Technology

Security Issues

eCommerce can cause several security issues, including:

Payment Fraud/Data breaches

Criminals can use stolen credit card information to make purchases, and unauthorized parties can access sensitive data.

Phishing Scams/Supply Chain Attacks

Criminals can send fake emails or create fake websites to trick customers into giving away personal information. They often also target the networks of eCommerce companies and their third-party partners to gain access to sensitive information.

If an eCommerce website contains vulnerabilities, criminals can exploit them to perform malicious actions.

Limited Physical Interaction

eCommerce businesses cause limited physical interaction because they operate majorly online, meaning that customers do not need to visit physical stores or interact with salespeople in person. Instead, they browse and purchase products through a website or mobile application - limiting face-to-face interactions and physical handling of products before purchasing. This brings a sense of detachment from the physical world.

Also,  customer loyalty becomes difficult to achieve as your buyers do not know you as a person. You will need adequate time and effort to overcome this challenge.

Shipping And Delivery Issues

eCommerce businesses may face several shipping and delivery issues, including:


Coordinating the movement of goods from the warehouse/supplier to the customer can be complex, especially for businesses that sell large or fragile products.

Shipping Costs

You may also need to charge customers for shipping and handling, which can deter you from even doing so in the first place.

Delivery Times/Packaging And Handling

Some customers may have high expectations for delivery times, and you may occasionally struggle to meet these expectations, especially during peak shopping periods such as holidays.

To overcome this, ensure that products are packaged and handled properly to avoid damage during transit and prepare for peak periods.


eCommerce businesses face competition in several ways, some of which are:

Price Competition/Comparison Shopping

Since online retailers can reach a global customer base, price competition becomes intense as other businesses will strive to offer the lowest prices possible. Customers can also easily compare prices and products across multiple websites, making it easier to find alternative deals that might fit their budget.


eCommerce businesses must keep up with the latest technology and trends, such as mobile optimization, AI-based personalization, and augmented reality. This requires high capital and critical thinking.

Heavy Reliance On Technology

eCommerce businesses need technology to function. Payment gateways and inventory management systems are used to manage and operate their online store. These systems are essential for creating and maintaining an online presence, processing transactions, and managing inventory.

However, total dependence on technology can severely disadvantage you when there is a fault or technical error. Also, technological know-how and expertise are often required to operate most online tools and software comfortably.

Apply These Marketing Strategies to Grow Your eCommerce Business

  • Shoppable Video Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

  • Email Marketing

  • Influencer Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Retargeting Advertisements

  • Personalization

  • A/B Testing

Shoppable Video Marketing

Shoppable video marketing is a form of advertising in which products or services featured in a video can be directly purchased by viewers through links or tags embedded in the video. These links or tags can be placed on specific items in the video or on the video itself, allowing viewers to easily access and purchase the products or services they are interested in. This type of marketing allows for a more interactive and engaging shopping experience for the viewer and can help to increase conversion rates and sales for the advertiser.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO helps to improve your site’s visibility in search results. It optimizes your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is a powerful strategy for e-commerce businesses to increase visibility and drive traffic to their online stores.

Here are some tips on how to use SEO to improve visibility in search results for your online store:

  • Research keywords related to your products or services and include them in your website’s content and meta tags.

  • Make sure your website has a clear and easy-to-navigate structure. This will make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages.

  • Create high-quality, unique content that is relevant to your target audience.

  • Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.

Monitor your progress: Use tools such as Google Analytics to track your website’s performance in search results. This will give you an idea of which SEO efforts are working.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a form of digital marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website, as it allows you to target specific keywords and demographics.

Tips for creating successful PPC campaigns:

  • Conduct research to identify the most relevant keywords to your business.

  • Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches from your campaigns.

  • Test different ad copy and landing pages to see which ones perform the best.

  • Use remarketing to target users who have previously visited your website.

  • Monitor your campaigns regularly to see which ones perform best and adjust accordingly.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

This is using social media platforms to promote your products and services. It is a great way to engage with customers and build brand awareness.

Tips for creating a successful social media marketing strategy:

  • Identify the social media platforms on which your target audience is most active.

  • Create a content calendar that outlines what you will post and when.

  • Use visuals like images and videos to make your posts more engaging.

  • Use hashtags to make it easier for prospects/customers to find your posts.

  • Respond to comments and messages promptly to build a relationship with your followers.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential for eCommerce brands to promote new deals to their current/future customers. Here are a few tips for creating a successful email marketing strategy:

  • Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, purchase history, and other criteria.

  • Use the recipient’s name in the subject line and throughout the email, and tailor the content to their interests and preferences.

  • The subject line is the first thing a recipient sees, so make sure it grabs their attention and entices them to open the email.

  • Send your email at the right time and frequency. Test your audience’s best time and frequency to keep them engaged without overwhelming them.

By following these tips, you can create a successful email marketing strategy that helps you promote new deals to your customers and increase sales.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing works with industry influencers to promote your products/services by tapping into their reach and credibility.

Tips for creating a successful influencer marketing campaign:

  • Identify the most relevant influencers to your industry and target audience.

  • Create a clear and compelling influencer brief that outlines what you are looking for in an influencer.

  • Monitor your campaigns regularly to see which ones perform best and adjust accordingly.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to provide value to customers and establish your business as a thought leader in the industry. Creating informative and engaging content attracts potential customers and builds trust with your target audience. Some tips for effective content marketing include:

  • Identifying your target audience - Understand who your audience is and what type of content they are looking for.

  • Creating a content calendar - Plan your content to ensure consistency and relevance.

  • Optimizing for SEO - Use keywords in your content to make it easier for customers to find your business.

  • Repurposing content - Use the same content in different formats, such as turning blog posts into videos or infographics.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a strategy where your business partners with other businesses to drive traffic and sales. This involves promoting each other’s products to reach a wider audience and increase conversions. Some tips for successful affiliate marketing include:

  • Choosing the right partners: Partner with businesses that complement your products or services.

  • Creating unique affiliate links: Use unique links for each partner to track the success of your campaigns.

  • Providing incentives: Offer incentives, such as discounts or bonuses, to encourage customers to purchase.

Retargeting Advertisements

Retargeting ads are advertisements targeted to customers who have visited your website or engaged with your content in some way. They are a great way to reach prospects who have shown interest in your business but haven’t yet made a purchase.

Some tips for effective retargeting ads include:

  • Segmenting your audience - Use customer data to segment and target specific groups with relevant ads.

  • Using different ad formats - Experiment with different formats, such as display ads or videos, to see which resonates with your audience better.

  • Testing and optimizing - Continuously test and optimize your retargeting ads to improve their performance.


Personalization is a great way to create unique experiences for different customer segments. It involves tailoring your messaging and offers to specific groups to increase engagement and conversions. Some tips for effective personalization include:

  • Collecting customer data: Use tools like cookies or surveys to collect data on your customers’ preferences and behavior.

  • Creating customer profiles: Use the data to create detailed customer profiles and segment your audience.

  • Personalizing messaging: Use personalized messaging and offers to engage with customers more personally.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a great way to optimize your website and marketing efforts through testing. You can see what works and doesn’t by comparing different versions of your website, emails, paid ads, and content.

Some tips for effective A/B testing include:

  • Start small - Start with simple tests before moving on to more complex ones.

  • Test one element at a time - Use one element to ensure you know which change has the most significant impact.

  • Analyze data - Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your tests and analyze what needs to be done better.

eCommerce businesses tend to be good at using the various channels at their disposal. SEO and PPC continue to dominate from an ROI perspective, but email and social media contribute heavily. Every business is different, and some can utilize more or less of each channel. The key is always to analyze which channels your audience is using.” - Matt Janaway (CEO at Marketing Labs)

How To Start An eCommerce Business

Looking to launch your eCommerce storefront? Here’s how you can get started:

  • Choose An eCommerce Platform

  • Design The Storefront

  • Add Your Products/Services

  • Set Up A Payment Gateway

  • Track Inventory

  • Manage Product Listings

  • Handle Orders And Fulfillment

  • Conduct SEO And Keyword Research

  • Practice Social Media Marketing

  • Tap Into Email marketing

  • Practice On-site Shoppable Video Marketing

  • Respond To Customer Inquiries And Complaints Promptly

  • Have A Clear Return/Refund Policy In Place

Choose An eCommerce Platform

The first step in setting up an eCommerce store is to choose the right platform. Various options are available, including Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Magento. Each platform has features and pricing plans, so it’s important to research the options available and choose the best one.

Design The Storefront

Once you have chosen a platform, you must design the storefront. This includes creating a layout, selecting colors and fonts, and adding images and graphics. It would be best if you created a visually appealing storefront that will attract customers and make it easy for them to navigate your site.

Add Your Products/Services

After the storefront is designed, you will need to add your products and services to your store. This includes adding product listings, setting prices, and including product images. It’s essential to ensure each product is accurately described and includes high-quality images.

Set Up A Payment Gateway

A payment gateway is a service that connects your store to your customer’s bank accounts and credit cards. It allows you to process payments securely and efficiently.

Payment gateway options, such as Stripe, PayPal, and Square, are available for online stores. To make sales, accept a good number of payment methods from your customers. This includes credit and debit cards and payment options like PayPal and Apple Pay.

Once your payment gateway is set up, manage the financial transactions for your store by tracking sales, issuing refunds, and reconciling payments.

Track Inventory

One of the most important aspects of inventory management is tracking stock levels. By being aware, you know when to restock your products and when to avoid overstocking.

Manage Product listings

This involves adding new products, updating existing products, and removing products that are no longer available.

Handle Orders And Fulfillment

Once you receive an order, you will need to fulfill it. This includes packaging and shipping products and handling returns and exchanges. It’s essential to have an efficient process to handle everything efficiently. This will depend on if you are doing it yourself or outsourcing it to a third party.

Conduct SEO And Keyword Research

Identify the keywords your target customers are searching for, and then optimize your website and product listings to rank for those keywords.

Practice Social Media Marketing

Create content, engage with customers, and promote your products. A social media marketing strategy is important to make the most of this channel.

Tap Into Email marketing

Email marketing is another vital aspect of digital marketing. Send promotional emails, newsletters, and targeted campaigns to customers. Also, segment your list to personalize your emails. This improves their effectiveness.

Practice On-site Shoppable Video Marketing

Incorporate shoppable videos to make it easy for customers to purchase products directly from the video. This is done by including clickable links or overlaid product information on the video using Videowise.

One example of a brand using shoppable videos effectively is Artsabers. Shoppers can learn about their favorite sci-fi weapons in an immersive way while still being able to purchase products with a one-click checkout experience. With this strategy, Artsabers generated $1.1 Million and increased on-site engagement by 22%.

Read the case study here.

Respond To Customer Inquiries And Complaints Promptly

Quickly respond to customer inquiries and complaints to maintain a positive reputation and builds trust with your customers.

Have A Clear Return/Refund Policy In Place

Have a clear and easy-to-understand return and refund policy in place. This can help build trust with your customers and reduce the number of returns.

eCommerce Video Marketing: How Brands Can Do It Right

Short, attention-grabbing videos are more likely to be watched and shared.

Make sure the product is the focal point of the video.

Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with the viewer.

Videos with subtitles can be watched without sound.

Incorporate shoppable video technology to make it easy for customers to purchase products directly from the video.


In conclusion, eCommerce businesses can use video marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, SEO, and paid advertising to drive traffic and sales. 

Providing excellent customer service, including the clear return and refund policies, and quickly responding to customer inquiries and complaints can help build trust with customers and increase repeat business. 

By incorporating shoppable video technology, brands selling online can make it easy for customers to purchase products directly from the video.

Get started with Videowise today.