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10 Video Marketing Tips For Shopify Businesses This Holiday

10 Video Marketing Tips For Shopify Businesses This Holiday

The holiday season is the most important time of the year for Shopify business, and brands are using every trick in the book to prepare.

To make your efforts that much easier, here are 10 video marketing tips for your Shopify business this holiday.

1. Introduce your brand with a video

Video (and, consequently, video marketing) has quickly become the most engaging form of media, 66% of people said they’d prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service. (Elite Content Marketer)

This means that two out of every three customers who visit your site will be looking for video content to help them establish an understanding of your brand.

For first-time site visitors, video can provide a quick window into what you're all about, and visitors are much more likely to digest your message through video than they would through normal images and text. Viewers can retain about 95% of the information from the video compared to only 10% of information while reading the text. (Insivia)

So not only do site visitors expect video content on your site, but they also prefer to engage with it, and it provides a higher ROI for you as a result. Woohoo! 🎉

2. Make innovative product pages with video shopping

shoprongrong.com product page, using VideoWises advanced video marketing app for Shopify success during the holidays

Image is taken from shoprongrong.com using Videowise's video shopping integration for Shopify.

The reality is, product pages have remained mostly unchanged for almost 20 years — which is actually the equivalent of about 200 years in digital space. It's high time to shake things up, and use the benefits of modern technology to launch eCommerce businesses into the future.

Video shopping is one of the most recent developments for eCommerce video marketing. Using custom white-label video players like the one made by Videowise depicted above Shopify stores can display video content that's directly uploaded or pulled straight from social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more.

The real innovation comes from the 'shoppable' nature of the video, the player syncs directly with Shopify's checkout API to guarantee a smooth checkout experience.

As visitors engage with video and learn more about your products, they will be prompted to make a purchase directly within the video. According to Videowise data from over 10M shoppers in 2021, visitors who watch shoppable videos are 5-6x more likely to make a purchase and add an avg. of 2,000 hours to your session time which is great for your SEO.

Video shopping is just now presenting itself in the market as the next unclaimed innovation for Shopify businesses, take advantage of this holiday and start selling with video, before the competition catches on.

3. Make the most of video testimonials

Video testimonials are some of the best user-generated content (UGC) that your business can get. They're, basically, free video marketing real estate you can grab, use, and benefit from. Not only does it show that you have happy customers, but it also gives viewers the opportunity to see the product in action.

These videos are like gold for your business, use them in ad campaigns, use them on social media, and most of all use them on your product pages.

Product pages are where the most important actions actually happen, it's where all your traffic is funneled. So it only makes sense to provide your most valuable resources and conversion boosters on this page.

Video testimonials being placed above the reviews section of your product page not only give your customer a better understanding of your product, but it also provides the social proof your brand needs to stand out as an authority in your niche.

4. Feature product showcase videos

Another common video type that leads to high performance for Shopify is product showcases or unboxings. You can find millions of these videos on popular review platforms like YouTube, and oftentimes eCommerce brands have videos made about their products that they aren't even aware of.

It can be difficult to locate all the content about your brand/product on these platforms, but doing so is extremely rewarding.

When customers view your product page, it needs to answer as many questions for them as possible. Some products benefit massively by offering a product showcase video directly on the product page. Most of the time, if a customer is looking for a video about the product, they'll have to leave your site, which means they might not come back.

Feature either in-house content breaking down your product and how it works, or even better, feature customer UGC about your product that already exists on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

If you're a Videowise customer, we've added a Find UGC feature that helps you do just that. We automatically locate videos about your products/brand on YouTube and will sort them for you. From there it's simply one click to add them to any page on your Shopify store. See more.

5. Repurpose video for social media

If you find video UGC about your brand online, or even if you receive video testimonials from your customers you need to repurpose that content onto your social platforms.

It builds social proof, develops a community, and it celebrates your customers, which only makes them more likely to love your brand.

Customer highlights are an opportunity for you to celebrate your customers online. If a customer makes UGC about you, or sends in a great review, highlight that on your social communities and tag them if you can.

Each time you have a new piece of video content, ask yourself how many channels could the video contribute to? Your video marketing strategy should definitely include repurposing. The more you repurpose, the more reach it will have, and the higher your ROI will be.

6. Boost SEO with optimized videos

Video content can be extremely beneficial for your SEO, on average eCommerce stores see a session time of 1 minute and 30 seconds. By adding video to a page, Shopify businesses increase their average session time by well over 3 minutes.

By simply adding video to a page, you can more than double the time your visitors are spending there. This tells Google that your page is relevant, and engaging for the search terms it ranks for. Making your quest for the #1 spot in Google search infinitely smoother.

But wait, there's more!

If you use the Shopify Plus approved method for embedding video, which optimizes for minimal effect on page speeds, then you also have access to alt-text for your thumbnail. This is unique to a specific method called lite-embedding which Videowise uses to make its shoppable video launcher.

7. Use video to improve your email marketing

It's no secret at this point that incorporating video into your email marketing campaigns can drastically improve their performance.

Here are just a few stats to consider when using video in your emails:

  • A video thumbnail can improve subscriber engagement by almost 41% when it's included in an email. (webdew)
  • Video content in emails can improve click-through rates by up to 300%. (Biteable)
  • Adding video content to emails can reduce opt-outs by 75%. (DCD Agency)
  • Click-through rates on the initial email in a campaign can increase by 96% if it contains a video. (Wordstream)

If you are taking advantage of lite-embedding with Videowise previously mentioned in this article, then you can even reuse the thumbnails from there, and have your emails link back directly to your shoppable video player on the product page.

This takes customers directly to the end of your funnel and into the highest conversion rate asset on your product page.

8. Use a custom video player to match your site design

Often times video can inhibit your site if it is handled improperly. The most common way we see video added to Shopify stores is by using either the YouTube player or the Vimeo player. Both of these options do not offer a custom white-label player that you can customize to match your branding.

This can often result in videos not loading properly (or taking some time to load), the experience being less smooth on mobile, as those players don't natively adapt to different screen resolutions.

Part of what makes video marketing content for SEO so powerful on your site is how much it is an extension of your brand, and can communicate your brand in the most engaging ways. When you sacrifice control of the video player you lose control of both the design, the functionality, and the performance of the content.

If you have the development skills or are using an app like Videowise, you can customize the design of your player to match your brand, you can add interesting interactive components to the video like video shopping. On top of all that, the custom player can adapt naturally between desktop and mobile devices, allowing for a smooth full-screen experience on both.

9. Automate finding video UGC from YouTube, for SEO

One of the hardest parts about collecting UGC is that it can be hard to find. Over 720,000 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube daily. (Oberlo) Which means you couldn't possibly sift through it all. So to help automate this process, Videowise created the find UGC feature.

We integrated directly with both Shopify and YouTube, to match each active product you have, with the relevant videos about the product on YouTube. As YouTube's largest compliant partner, we can source videos about any product from anywhere on YouTube, at any time.

10. Repurpose social videos for ads and your site

In the same way, you can repurpose video FOR social, you should also repurpose FROM social. If you're sharing video content about your brand on social media, you should also be repurposing that content in your ads, and on your site pages.

Here are a few ways to start making the most out of your social media videos:

  • Add it to your product page for increased conversion rates. This is one of the biggest opportunities for eCommerce brands, as it can make the transition from social platform to your site much smoother, and video content naturally increases the likelihood that a visitor will convert.
  • Add it to your homepage (works best for brand-related content, or for 1-product stores). Your brand should communicate fluidly on both social media and your own site. Adding video content from social media to your homepage, can improve your overall messaging, and build better brand messaging every step of the sales funnel.
  • Add it to your blog content, increase engagement for your blog and provide an internal link back to your product page. Adding video to blog content naturally increases avg. session time by as much as 2 minutes.

This has been our top 10 video marketing tips for your Shopify business this holiday. Scaling video content across your marketing campaigns has never been easier, and with eCommerce the performance of video content is unrivaled.

👇 Now stop reading this and go make some money with video! 👇