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9 Video Strategies That Every Shopify Business Can Use

9 Video Strategies That Every Shopify Business Can Use

Many businesses in the eComm space are afraid of investing in video. Despite all evidence pointing to the fact that video is a must when it comes to selling online, many continue to rely on the written word.

They don't realize that video doesn't have to be expensive or take up much time. There are plenty of video strategies for Shopify businesses that can be implemented quickly and won't cost you an arm and a leg.

Below, we have gathered the 10 most helpful video strategies eCommerce businesses can almost immediately embrace.

Read on and find out more.

Produce explainer videos

An explainer video is a video that quickly and efficiently outlines a process, a product, or an entire company clearly and concisely. This type of video content makes sense even to the most novice video viewer.

The flexibility of explainer videos means that not only can they be used for introductory purposes, but also for times when you need to loyalize your customers or upsell them to add-ons or a more expensive range of products, for example. 

Wondering if this kind of strategy works? Take a look at how AxelGlade created explainer videos and what a huge impact this had on their business.

Create a company video

This is video content that shows off your business.

Showing what you do is not only useful for attracting new customers, but it will also give potential employees an idea of what they can expect if they sign up to work for you. If they are impressed by the video, chances are they are going to be impressed by your company, too.

A video that tells your brand story is also a video people will keep in mind when they hear about you the next time - at events, on social media, or even offline. This video can be used throughout various platforms to attract new customers over an extended period of time while keeping existing ones updated on your business.

Encourage customer testimonial videos

A video featuring people who vouched for your product and/or service is a great video to bootstrap your video strategy with. By showcasing the voices of those who tried your product, you allow potential customers to say, "Wow, these people love it! I need to try this product for myself!"

This video is simple and can make an immense difference in convincing potential customers.

Create educational how-to videos

A video that shows how you do something - like change a tire or make a cocktail - is video content that makes sense to video viewers.

It works so well because it doesn't require watching the video all the way through to be helpful, which means it's also a video that gets watched and shared by people who don't necessarily care about your business, but the information your video is sharing.

Create proper product videos

When it comes to buying products online or even offline, nothing beats getting an idea of what the product looks like. Sure, you can read reviews, but there's nothing like video content that lets you see what you are getting yourself into.

A product video is a video that gets watched even by people who are not interested in your business or your brand.

Make the most out of user-generated video

Whenever someone shares a video online, they give it their best shot because this video showcases their video skills, video personality, and video interests.

When your video strategy includes video that people create about you or featuring you, this means that there is more organic content out there that has nothing to do with you promoting your video everywhere - yet it still makes sure you are visible online.

Tap into viral video trends

Whether or not something will be viral cannot be actually planned. However, what you can do is tap into trends that have already gone viral (such as trends on TikTok, for example).

What's best is that you can easily make those TikTok videos shoppable, so you are not only building awareness of your brand but also pushing customers who are ready to buy straight to your check out.

Or, as we like to say, cha-ching!

Run live videos


People love video that is as raw as it gets. So, if video streaming video live video is something you want to explore, do so!

All you need is a camera and a microphone - now just sit back and enjoy those video views rolling in. And don't forget: video content like this will always make people come back to your brand's channels. 

Incorporate shoppable videos

We already mentioned these (briefly) above, but if you want to tap into the full-blown power video has in 2022, video shopping is an absolute must-have. The good news is that it's easier than ever to make your videos shoppable (and not that we're bragging here, but VideoWise is pretty good at that).

Video marketing isn't always easy - but it's incredibly effective if you take your video strategy across various online platforms. Video will increase your customers' engagement, convert them, boost your SEO, help you create a stronger brand people are loyal to, and, ultimately, bring your eCommerce straight into the latest (and "bestest") marketing practices.