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How To Tell Your Brand's Story With Video Storytelling

How To Tell Your Brand

Marketers and advertisers have used storytelling to connect with audiences better for decades - and well before the internet. Old direct-mail advertisements told stories of men who suffered from some major problem that they resolved by taking the new, promoted product.

Storytelling has its place in the age of digital marketing, too. Publications tell stories to keep you reading, and email marketers employ storytelling to increase engagement and response rates. And so it's only natural that, as video has evolved, brands are leveraging video storytelling to connect with their audiences better.

What is Video Storytelling?

Video storytelling is a type of video marketing that leverages a narrative to subtly get your marketing message across. Unlike typical product-focused video marketing, video storytelling focuses on creating a connection with your audience and moving them emotionally.

Done right, video storytelling can help you build brand awareness and establish more meaningful relationships with your audience. It can also help you obtain marketing goals and capture new leads, which is why marketers are prioritizing video storytelling in their 2023 strategy. 

The Basics of Video Storytelling

Much like a short film, video storytelling involves building a narrative and communicating it to your audience. So there are some essential elements, which are:

  • Plot: What is your video's narrative, and how do you plan on relaying it?
  • Purpose: Does your video help solve a problem, deliver value, or educate your audience? 
  • People: Which characters are playing out your narrative? Can your audience relate to them?
  • Place: Where does your video's story take place? And does the location connect to your narrative?
  • Audience: Who are you making the video for?

Trends for Video Storytelling in 2023

Marketers have realized the value of video storytelling, and the strategy has gained significant momentum this year. Here's more on the trends that will shape video storytelling in 2023.

Brands Will Create Different Videos for the Right Channels

We live in the age of content, but people have different preferences for how they consume content. You'll have an easier time binge-watching 24 hours' worth of a TV series than sitting in a 2-hour long Zoom meeting.  

Similarly, brands that leverage video storytelling will pay more attention to the appropriate format for the right channels. Because of these platforms' features, audiences expect different content from the channels. So, short videos go on TikTok, and longer ones have a place on YouTube. 

Shoppable Videos Become More Common

Shoppable videos are one of the most robust developments in content delivery. Brands can now incorporate links to products and listings in their videos to create more immersive, engaging experiences.


Shoppable videos are effective for several reasons - they reduce the steps a buyer must take to make a purchase, improve user experience, and help you tell a story around your products to increase conversions. As brands move away from 'salesy' videos and choose to leverage engaging, immersive video storytelling, we can expect shoppable videos to become more common. 

Influencers Will Continue to Drive Growth for Brands with Videos

Influencer marketing has exploded over the decade. Video content, especially short video formats, has been a significant driver behind this success. 

Short videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels allow creators and influencers to connect with their audiences more meaningfully. Moreover, live streaming has taken audience engagement to a whole new level. 

Since influencers (especially micro-influencers) enjoy closer, more personal relationships with their fans, they're in a solid position to leverage video storytelling. They can create videos around narratives that genuinely resonate with their audience, and their fans' trust helps increase engagement and interest, too. 

Livestream Shopping Gives Brands an Advantage

Livestream shopping boasts up to ten times higher conversion rates than traditional eCommerce, with a whopping 70% conversion rate for luxury goods. The takeaway? Livestream shopping can help you sell. 

Live commerce first boomed in China, but the Western world was quick to catch up. The global market is now expected to be worth a cool $35 billion by 2024. 

But hey, what does live streaming have to do with video storytelling? 

Well, who says your live streams shouldn't tell a story? In fact, a good story can secure more conversions by engaging your audience and emphasizing their pain points. 

When planning out your live stream session, keep the basics of video storytelling in mind. Who is your stream for? How do you plan to deliver value? And what story can you tell to best put your point across?

How to Make a Storytelling Video?

Are you looking to put your storytelling video together to drive engagement? Here's a quick blueprint of how to create your own.

Choose a proven format

Much like novels and movies, storytelling videos follow specific plot formats. For example, they may follow the story of a character who is faced with adversity and rises to the challenge. Or, they may explore a character who finally gets the courage to leave a bad situation. 

When putting your visual storytelling concept together, consider your target audience and how you can forge an emotional connection with them. Some plot devices will better resonate with your viewers than others, so creating a video story that delivers impact is essential.

Mind your audience’s attention span

If only there were a definite 'best' time length for videos. Unfortunately, there isn't, but marketers keep asking the same question: "How long should my video be?"

According to some pretty thorough research, the sweet spot for social media videos is between 2-5 minutes long. But this isn't a hard and fast rule - you might want to experiment with different video durations and see how they respond best.

But, beyond the video's time, keep the quality of your content in mind! Another way to lose your audience's attention span is to drag your story out too much. So, make sure you guide your reader through and don't exhaust their attention span. 

Use emotional triggers

For decades, filmmakers have used emotional triggers and visual video production effects to engage audiences and invoke emotional responses. So when creating your brand video, take a page out of their book to grip your audience and capture their emotions.

You can use special effects like slow motion or shock elements to emphasize plot points or to help viewers better connect with characters.

Leverage music

Music can help you invoke emotional responses, keep your audience engaged, and add to your story's entertainment value. So when you're putting your video together, don't underestimate the power of carefully chosen music. 

You can use soundtracks and special audio effects to emphasize plot devices, breathe life into a scene, or trigger emotional responses from your viewers. 

You can fuel the power of storytelling and drive more significant impact by choosing the right music. 

Where to Post Storytelling Videos?

There are plenty of places to promote your storytelling videos. Video platforms are continuing to dominate and are great channels for growing your brand.


YouTube is the best platform for posting longer storytelling videos. Unlike platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, YouTube is a search engine rather than a social media platform. So, the playing ground is a bit different - you can pull users in from organic search, but your audience might not engage in the same way as they do on social media.

If you're looking to post longer storytelling videos or just need a platform to host your content, YouTube is a great starting point. You can also share the videos on other platforms easily, further expanding your reach.


Instagram and Facebook have fallen off the mantle a bit after TikTok won the war for the user base. But don't let this fact deter you from leveraging Instagram to post storytelling videos - it's still one of the most used and mature social media platforms in the market. And it's got plenty of options for videos. 

With Instagram, you can kick off a live stream, post a long-lasting Reel, or leverage IGTV for longer storytelling videos. Depending on the type of video you produce and its length, you can pick the proper delivery format and use Instagram to engage your audience. The platform's robust monetization features also help you use video to drive conversions. 


TikTok is the social media platform right now. It's now the most visited website, beating Facebook out and earning its place as the king of social media. But what makes TikTok so appealing to both users and brands?

TikTok has found a nice balance between making entertaining content accessible and encouraging brands and creators to keep crafting valuable content. As a result, the platform is full of interesting social videos, including brand videos that leverage storytelling. 

Moreover, TikTok's shopping features fit nicely with your content delivery, providing creators and brands with opportunities to drive conversions and increase audience engagement. If you haven't explored TikTok already, now is the best time to do so.

Your Website

There's no place like home, or in the digital world, your website. Video storytelling can help you engage your target audience in different ways right on your website. For example, a good landing page video can increase conversions, while explainer videos can help your audience understand products or services better. 

Similarly, if you run a blog, including videos can help your audience absorb complex concepts better. When it comes to video storytelling on your website, you're only limited by your creativity. 

How Videowise Makes it Easy to Grow Your Brand with Videos?

Videowise is an all-in-one video shopping solution for Shopify merchants that plan to leverage the power of video.

Drive More Sales With Shoppable Videos

Shoppable videos can help you reach record-high conversion rates by entertaining your audience as they shop. It's an entirely new way for consumers to make purchases. 

With Videowise, you can make any video shoppable, so customers can make purchases through your Shopify checkout process without ever leaving the video. 

Find Video UGC

Videowise harnesses AI to scour YouTube videos and locate ones that mention your brand or product. Leverage these findings as user-generated content for your site to increase social proof. 

The Most Advanced Video Analytics

Videowise lets you track vital metrics and generate performance reports on sales, content, and more. Use the right data to make more informed decisions and drive business growth.


Video storytelling empowers brands' approach to customers in a novel way, rather than as a salesperson. With storytelling, you can create narratives that resonate with your audience and inspire them to take action and improve their lives. 

And with advancements like video shopping features, you can provide your customers with more immersive, engaging shopping experiences, securing higher conversions.

Learn how Videowise improves your conversion rates by requesting a demo.