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Picture-in-Picture Video: The Unexplored Goldmine For Brands

Picture-in-Picture Video: The Unexplored Goldmine For Brands

Have you ever visited an eCommerce website and been welcomed by a cutting-edge video feature that supports your shopping experience with as little friction as possible?

That's the power of shoppable video! It has become an essential tool of any website design because of its 'shoppertainment' effect and power to enhance customer engagement while simultaneously driving sales. 

Exciting times are upon us! If you're considering increasing your engagement rate and ultimately conversions on your Shopify store, let's look at how you can create an engaging shopping experience using our Picture-in-Picture video widget.

What is Picture-in-Picture Video Widget

Picture-in-Picture Video is a highly effective tool designed to engage and convert more traffic into paying customers.

Thanks to its special type of multi-window mode, visitors can watch a video in a small window pinned to the left corner of the screen while navigating content on the main screen.

Our Picture-in-Picture video is an example of a video widget that deserves all the praise for having the highest engagement rate on our platform.

Integrating the right video widget improves visibility, customer engagement, and nearly every other aspect of the customer experience.

This technique has proven to be the driving force behind some of our Shopify stores' engagement and conversion rates.

What Types of Videos Perform Best With Picture-in-Picture Video Widget

Customer Video Reviews

This is the type of video content that is very popular with our merchants and have the highest engagement rate. 

They show the product in action and usually answer the questions that shoppers might have about your product like "How does it look? What am I actually getting in the package? Does this product actually work?"

By showing the voices of those who tried your product, you provide the right social proof to potential customers.

Unboxing Experiences

The unboxing experience is also a powerful marketing tool that can be leveraged with the power of Picture-in-Picture video.

Unboxing is influenced by the first impression a customer has of your product and brand. Showcasing a memorable unboxing experience on your website nurtures trust, increases customer retention, and ultimately drives sales.

How-to Videos

This type of video is essential, especially if you have a product that it's a bit more complex to explain, install, or start using it.

How-to video works well with Picture-in-Picture video because it captures potential customers' instant need or desire to buy, increasing their engagement. Highly engaged visitors are more likely to convert, which is the goal of Picture-in-Picture shoppable video.

In Terms Of Engagement

  •  Vertical video converts 3X more than landscape 
  • Influencer videos have 1.5X more watch time 
  • Authentic product videos engage more 


Best Strategies To Use Picture-in-Picture Video On Your Shopify Store

Monetize Picture-in-Picture videos on your Product Pages

Since it's a highly effective way to engage with your audience, the best location to leverage this type of video widget is on product pages where you want to capture your audience's attention.

This dynamic technique will engage your visitors in a way that teases out the engagement rate, making customers more likely to convert. 

Add Video Testimonials On Review Pages

Adding video testimonials on your review pages not only conveys trust, but also encourages potential customers to purchase. 

Using Picture-in-Picture video widget for your testimonials will spice up the shopping experience and further engage your customers on a more personal level.

Boost Your Seasonal Campaign's Results

What is the best strategy to maximize your campaign's reach? Create something that will have your audience completely immersed and ready to engage.

Suppose you want to bring your seasonal sales campaigns upfront in crucial moments during the year, such as Black Friday/Boxing Day, Seasonal Sales, Product Launches, etc. 

In that case, Picture-in-Picture video widget is one way to fuel up your engagement rate and bring your audience to the point of purchase.

How Brands Reap the Rewards of Picture-in-Picture Shoppable Video

Artsabers Had a 17.62% Rise in Engagement Rate With Picture-in-Picture Video

VideoWise helped the Artsbers to increase their engagement and conversion rate by creating an interactive, engaging video shopping experience for their customers.

To display their shoppable videos in the most captivating way, the next step was to install the Picture-in-Picture video on top of their pages.

The result? A 17.62% rise in engagement rate, + 2,507 h time-on-site activity, and +700K driven revenue in half a year.

Take a look at how this video widget fits their page like a glove, grabbing visitors' attention no matter where they navigate on the page.

Gel Blaster Increased Engagement Rate By 7.84% With Picture-in-Picture Video

VideoWise was the primary character in another success story of high engagement and driven orders for Gel Blaster brand.

Our team installed Picture-in-Picture video widget on their website which set the course for an engaging shopping experience right from the moment visitors navigate on their homepage.

Moreover, implementing this technique has given their website a unique edge and an excellent way to boost visitor engagement and generate more sales. 

The result? A 7.84% boost in engagement rate, 153 driven orders in just two weeks, +460h added time on site.


Benefits Of Using Picture-in-Picture Video

Highest engagement rate

Our Picture-in-Picture video has the highest engagement rate on our platform. Up to 24% of shoppers watch and shop video when the Picture-in-Picture Video Widget is used on site.

Easy to install

No code, 1-click blazing fast install on any page of your Shopify store. Works great with any theme.

Brand matching

Picture-in-Picture video is specifically designed to match your brand's style. For that reason, our video widget's customization is bound only by your imagination.


The most crucial aspect of your online presence is your website. It's the way you showcase your company to potential clients. As a result, your website must become as engaging as possible. The design, functionality, and content, among other things, all play a role. And it's up to you to keep improving them.

Without a question, Picture-in-Picture shoppable video can provide significant benefits that will help you stay ahead of your competition and raise the bar on what it means to be an authentic eCommerce brand.

So, if you are looking for a way to improve your customer experience and generate results in the long run – discover how VideoWise skyrockets your engagement and conversion rates by requesting a demo.