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How to Increase Your Outbound Marketing Conversion Rate With Shoppable Video Campaigns

How to Increase Your Outbound Marketing Conversion Rate With Shoppable Video Campaigns

When selling online, brands need stand out among the thousands of stores that are also trying to reach and convert potential shoppers. That means getting a lot of things right— from your language to how you communicate on different channels to even more subtle details like having an efficient, visible CTA.

The one key area many brands miss out on is optimizing the experience that shoppers have after they click on the promotion. They usually land right on your homepage or a collection and are left to browse however they wish to. But this means more chances that they will lose interest, wander away directionless, and drop off entirely.

Many brands use shoppable videos to make the post-click experience more exciting. Instead of taking shoppers to your store and letting them figure it out themselves, you can drive them to a shoppable video campaign that gives them specific information about your products in an enjoyable way and leads them to checkout faster.

What Are Shoppable Video Campaigns?

Shoppable video campaigns allow you to set up a custom campaign, upload or import your videos, and enable shopping right from the video player.

You can customize the appearance to match your branding and show the "Add to Cart" button on the same screen so shoppers can instantly checkout after watching the video.

How Do Shoppable Video Campaigns Engage Better?

Shoppable video campaigns allow you to make your outbound marketing and external promotions more effective and engaging. Instead of being taken to a page on your store, like thousands of other brands online, you can direct shoppers to this immersive video experience where they can learn about your brand or products and get enough context to purchase.

With a shoppable video campaign, your audience will spend more time watching your video content and learning about your products. They’ll pay closer attention to your products and their details, allowing you to make a compelling case for why your product(s) is worth investing in. This means better conversions.

There’s no doubt that a unique experience like this will ensure that your brand is unforgettable for shoppers. They’ll be eager to re-engage with you and return to shop your products, improving your retention.

Want to create and use shoppable video campaigns for your outbound marketing? Get started with Videowise.

How Does A Shoppable Video Campaign Work?

Typically, when a shopper receives an email from a brand, they are taken to browse the collection or to a specific product page. They scroll through the page and learn more about the product through the descriptions, reviews, and images. They would then click “Add to Cart” and continue checkout.

In this process, your shopper may lose interest and drop off. A shoppable video campaign allows you to immerse them more deeply in your store’s experience.

Instead of your product page, you can create a shoppable video campaign for the CTA within your email, SMS, or ads. This way, your customer can get all the information about your product through the video while being fully engaged and having an enjoyable experience of shopping from your brand.

5 Ways to Use Shoppable Video Campaigns

1. Email promotion

Many brands see high click-throughs on their emails, but shoppers still don't convert after landing on their store. The reason for low conversion depends on the brand’s strategy, but the most common issue is that shoppers just aren't engaged enough after landing at the store.

You can lead your email subscribers to a video campaign instead of taking them to your homepage. The video can allow you to continue with the narrative you’ve built within your email, providing your shoppers with a unique shopping experience they would eagerly spend time on and successfully convert.

2. SMS

Typically, you would lead shoppers from your SMS promotion to a page on your store. But, just like email, you can use a shoppable video campaign to maintain the excitement your SMS sparked for your audience.

Here’s how. You might send an SMS to your subscribers, announcing a new product launch. Once they click on the link, shoppers would be taken to a shoppable video campaign where they can learn about the product, its benefits, and how to use it through the video rather than reading about it. They can then buy the item directly from the video player.

3. Cross-selling on your packaging

Your packaging is one of the best places to recommend other products to your customers. You can add a QR code to your packaging and link a shoppable video campaign to it. With this, you can let customers know of other products that would complement their purchase.

For instance, a skincare brand can use a video campaign that features the best products for pigmentation on the packaging of a product bought for that skin concern.

4. PR campaigns

If you’ve partnered with an influencer, news outlet, or magazine to promote your brand, you wouldn’t want to stick to your usual way of nudging new audiences onto your store. How can you stand out and make these new shoppers instant fans of your brand while also letting them buy?

Create a video that reflects the message of the campaign you’ve planned with the media outlet or creator. Whether the PR campaign is for brand awareness, product promotion, or highlighting the benefits of your brand, this video can be a great asset to replace the usual link to your store.

The shoppable video campaign will allow you to maintain the narrative of the PR initiative while informing new audiences about your products and letting them shop from the video itself.

5. Blogs

If you write blogs for your audience, you can use videos to explain and educate through visuals and subtly promote your products. You can embed your shoppable videos within your blog page to:

  • Improve SEO ranking for the page by using rich media.
  • Engage your readers better with a format that they enjoy consuming.
  • Explain your message through visuals.
  • Inform shoppers about your products without sounding transactional.
  • Allow checkout right within the video.

For instance, a pet care brand might share content around the best foods for your dog. Within the blog, the brand can add a video showing the meal plan for one of the customer’s dogs, even linking to products featured within the video. This way, readers can get a real-life example of setting up the right meal plan for their pet while also being able to shop for the products being spoken about.

Best Practices When Setting Up Your Video Campaign

Before you start using shoppable video campaigns, you need to create and set them up!

Here are a few best practices to help you set up a shoppable video campaign that is sure to convert:

1. Use videos that are relevant to your promotion

When a shopper clicks through from the promotion to your video campaign, they expect the link to have a similar message to the promotion they just read.

When adding a shoppable video campaign, make sure it relates to the promotion you are linking to. If the email promotes your new arrivals, the video campaign should also show these new products.

2. Show related products to allow shoppers to continue shopping

Not all shoppers who land on your video campaign would want to buy the product. If there aren’t any other options to explore, these shoppers would just drop off after watching the video.

Add a recommended section within the left sidebar on your video player showing other products the shopper may like. By displaying these recommended products, you can allow shoppers to browse through other products even if the items within the video didn’t catch their interest.

3. Customize the video player to fit your branding

Your video campaign must reflect your brand. This includes the video, how it’s edited, the language used within it, the thumbnail, and even the buy button. Customizing your video campaign to match your branding ensures that every experience that shoppers have with your brand is consistent and memorable.

Improve The Performance of Your External Marketing

When planning your marketing, it’s essential to think of the entire shopping journey to understand how you can engage and convert your shoppers better. Not every email or SMS promotion would need a video to go with it. However, certain promotions would perform brilliantly if you guide buyers to a shoppable video campaign, making that experience unique and memorable for them.

Nowadays, setting up shoppable video campaigns is easy, you just need a good strategy. You can create your campaigns from scratch, using video content that you already have from YouTube or TikTok. The campaign can be easily customized to your preference, linking products from your store and adding a ‘Buy Now’ button for one-click checkout.

Create shoppable video campaigns with Videowise!