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Top 5 Things Every eCommerce Company Should Know About Video Marketing in 2021

Top 5 Things Every eCommerce Company Should Know About Video Marketing in 2021

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is worth a million when it comes to selling physical products online.  

Unless you’ve got a creative copywriter, product descriptions aren’t as exciting, and photos never tell the whole story. 

According to Wyzowl, almost 50% of people cite “my products won’t look the same when they arrive” as their biggest concern when shopping online. 

Video can show a product from every angle, and it makes buyers more confident that they’ll get exactly what they order. That’s true of the high-production-value videos you create for your e-commerce store, and it’s even true for the simple yet authentic videos your customers create about your products.

There are mountains of product review videos on YouTube—videos posted by actual customers sharing their own thoughts on the products they’ve purchased online. And this type of user-generated content (UGC) can go a long way toward convincing shoppers to click that “purchase” button. In fact,
51% of shoppers in the US say they trust user-generated product review videos more than any other content on a company’s website. 

All this to say, 2021 is an exciting time to be in e-commerce. It’s a wild, changing landscape, but one thing we know for sure is that video will play a key role in the most successful companies’ marketing efforts. 

To help you understand the role video plays today and will continue to play in the years to come, here are five things every online retailer should know about video marketing in 2021.

1. Video Marketing is growing (and shows no signs of slowing down)

Let’s set the stage. Before diving into video marketing itself, it’s important to consider how central video has become to the internet. Cisco Systems found that 80% of all internet traffic globally is dedicated to video streaming, which is up from 69% back in 2017.

Meanwhile, YouTube continues to grow by 50%, year after year, and according to Forbes, more than half a billion people watched videos on Facebook in 2017.

2. Video Marketing spans generational gaps.

The bickering between baby boomers and millennials may seem endless, but it turns out every generation has something in common. They all respond to video marketing—and to user-generated content in particular. It turns out that UGC strongly influences the buying decisions of 70% of baby boomers and 80% of millennials.

3. Video Marketing tips the scale and leads to conversions.

These days, e-commerce markets are highly efficient. Consumers can find whatever they want quickly online, and it takes very little effort to compare prices. Video, however, can make your products stand out and give consumers the push they need to buy your products.

How so?

More than 50% of shoppers say online video has helped them decide which brand or product to buy (according to Google).

67% of shoppers turn to video at least once before making a purchase (according to Moz).

Video gives them the confidence they need to make their buying decisions. That can make all the difference for e-commerce companies trying to succeed in highly competitive markets.

4. Shoppers discover (and share) new brands and products on YouTube.

Shopping online has become a communal experience, according to research from Google.

More than 90% of YouTube users discover new brands and products on the platform.

More than 40% of shoppers around the world have purchased products they discovered on YouTube.

5. Your competitors are jumping on the video marketing bandwagon

Mark Twain once said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.” And in most cases? I couldn’t agree more. 

In this case, however, there’s a good reason why the percentage of marketers who consider video an important strategy has grown from 78% to 92% in the past six years (per HubSpot).

Simply put, video works! It builds trust, it converts, and your competitors are using it more and more to claim market share. 

Tapping into the power of shoppable, user-generated videos

There are already videos on YouTube from happy customers talking about your products and your brand. You just need to find them

VideoWise is the most powerful video marketing app available to Shopify store owners. Our users have reached ROI's as high as 1,000x and increased session time by as high as 1400hrs (58 days) all within a 30 day period.

VideoWise helps you:

• Turn any video into a shoppable video to boost sales. These are fully customizable. and deliver a swipe-up mobile experience.
• Embed videos on thousands of product pages with automated product-video matching. No code, save hundreds of hours!
• Invite customers to leave you a video testimonial for cash, discounts, or refunds. Easy video recording on any device without any extra app needed.
• Use A.I. to scrape YouTube for positive videos that mention your brand or products and embed them on your site.
• Track shopper engagement, video performance, video a/b testing, conversions & ROI.
• Integrates seamlessly with popular video platforms: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, and of course, while still offering direct uploads.