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5 Fast Ways To Boost SEO And Increase Conversions During The Holidays

5 Fast Ways To Boost SEO And Increase Conversions During The Holidays

Shopify merchants have been using video to boost their SEO and increase their conversion rates, all year long. If you’re not already using video in your strategy, here are 5 fast ways that you can boost your SEO and increase conversions this holiday.

1. Leverage Existing User Generated Content (UGC) About Your Brand

Video reviews, unboxings, how-to videos and more are posted to social media platforms every day from all over the world. You never know when or where someone might be sharing content about your products.

Searching YouTube is the best place to start. With just a simple search, you can see if anyone is making videos about you or your products. While this may be time-consuming upfront, it can pay off when those videos are then used on your site or in your social campaigns to increase traffic to your site and your conversion rates.

Since UGC is made by consumers, that means it's low-effort content for you to use since most of the upfront work was done by the creator. Also, potential customers love the opportunity to hear more about the product from someone who is not a part of your business. That way, they know they’re getting an unbiased opinion.

2. Add Video To Your Product Pages

Everyone knows how important product pages are in the customer journey. Optimizing for conversions and engagement is always top of mind for eCommerce businesses.

So, where does video fit into all this?

Featuring videos about your product can increase conversion rates by as high as 18%, as well as add over 2,000 hours of session time over a 30-day period. (VideoWise)

Grill Rescue Video Widget From VideoWise

We recommend placing your best videos right below your add-to-cart button as grillrescue.com did here.

3. Create Custom Holiday Themed Landing Pages

Are you running a special promotion or pushing a specific product?

Create a holiday-themed landing page just about that product with holiday-centric keywords. Feature the most important information and a short video presentation. Not only will this page convert, but it will also create more traffic and give you the opportunity to create new backlinks.

Once you’ve created the pages, you can update your main site to include new internal links to the landing page. Redirect your already acquired traffic to a new holiday-specific page.

The more traffic you can land & keep on this page, the more likely it will be to rank for the common holiday keywords that you used.

In no time, you’ll be ranking for some of the hottest search terms of the season.

4. Update Your Pages To Include More Holiday Keywords

This goes right in line with our recent article, How Clever Design Changes Can Help Your Shopify Store Succeed This Holiday. If you haven’t read that one, go check it out for some great design tips to get your store ahead of the competition.

Besides, you could use a type of Sales Calendar with key dates and tools to help you own these holiday seasons. Your product pages could also include embedded parts of this holiday sales calendar, thus means you have even more keywords and indexable content.

One of the fastest ways to impact your SEO is to make changes to pages that have already been crawled, ranked, and seen traffic. These pages have a history of value with search engines, and you can take advantage of that to get quickly ranked under new keywords.

Temporarily altering the descriptions, headers, and meta information to include holiday-centric keywords like ‘Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, holidays’ & more can quickly see you ranking for high-intent search terms.

CAMSKNS.com Homepage

Ex. A merchant like CAMSKNS.com might start ranking for terms like best holiday deals for custom camera skins.

5. Optimize Your Product Pages

There’s a lot of important work that goes into an awesome product page.

Here are just some of the things that go into making a product page that sells:

  • Great Copy
  • Stunning Images
  • Scroll Stopping Videos
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Blazing Fast Page Speeds
  • Live Chats
  • Testimonials / Reviews
  • Great Shipping Options
  • Smooth Checkouts
  • Measuring & Acting on data

And so much more.

Getting ready for what comes after the holidays?

We got you!

Check out the Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Shopify Product Page in 2022.

We partnered with industry leaders from all over the eCommerce & Shopify ecosystem to put together all the best tips and tricks to product page success.